13.01.2022 Feature Article

Leave Boris Johnson Alone!

Leave Boris Johnson Alone!
13.01.2022 LISTEN

“Boris Johnson is being taken to the cleaners and chased out of town like a rat, as if he had murdered a little girl in her sleep! And yet, all he did, and serially too, without ever getting drunk or losing sight of the raging pandemic, was to participate in official drinking episodes to help him regain his social balance in the face of a blazing pandemic that was raging among his people.”

In all sincerity, I adore the British for their peculiar taste for strictness and decorum. When I visited London and found out that some of their roads were too narrow for a modern fashionable city of its size, and that too many cars pass the night on the streets of the city rather than in a comfortable home, and how many important people prefer to use public transport rather than drive to the city in their own cars, I became more curious about the peculiarity of Brits.

Imagine my consternation when a British friend picked me up in a simple one-door mini old scooter of a car! His home itself is economy. Yet he is a successful businessman with means and important connections!

I bet the last coin in my pocket ─ Donald Trump could not have lasted anywhere in the United Kingdom for six months! British democracy is strict, rigid and retributive. It has no room for charlatans, impostors, serial liars, and democratic demagogues. It will be extremely difficult, indeed impossible to plot and execute a “stop the steal” ideological coup in the UK, the way Donald Trump and his rogue friends have successfully in America.

In America, everything depends on Congress. With a majority in Congress, a president can get away with anything, including calling a man Lady Rose. In the UK, even with parliamentary majority, your own party folks would bring you tumbling down to earth, if they perceive untruth under your tongue and roguery in your ways.

If this were not so, why should a simple “Bring thy own Booze” event in Number 10 Gardens organized for the mingling and continuous happiness of Very Important People in the UK, including of course, venerable Boris Johnson (drinking Johnny Walker on behalf of his countrymen and women) generate such fierce, irrational international uproar?

Boris Johnson is being taken to the cleaners and chased out of town as if he had murdered a little girl in her sleep! And yet, all he did, and serially too, without ever getting drunk or losing sight of the raging pandemic, was to participate in official drinking episodes to help him regain his social balance in the face of a blazing pandemic that was raging among his people.

What about his serial lies, one may ask. At first, he denied any knowledge of Number 10 boozing until the photos appeared! They pictured him reclining comfortably behind a Johnny Walker, his soul at res, and his body in a pose of calm. Then he said oh, “I appeared briefly in a staff social event in which all Covid 19 protocols were observed. It is not what you are thinking.”

Then emails detailing official invites to lockdown boozing services and videos and more photos of many more partying emerged. At the last count, there were over 10 of such events, with room for more to come.

Boris Johnson has told a few consistent lies to over 60 million Brits. We know him. He does not like nose masks. He is a jolly. If partying is his treason, I surely prefer him a million times to a Trump. Let’s ask Putin and all the others to account for their lockdown activities starting right here from the Flagstaff House!

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