
Nothing is working in Madina but I'll make things work again — Zavier Sosu vows to mount pressure on government

Social News Francis-Zavier Sosu
Francis-Zavier Sosu

The Member of Parliament for Madina, Francis-Zavier Sosu said all projects intended for his constituency have stalled since he took over.

According to him, he will mount pressure on the appropriate state institutions to ensure all issues that have come to their attention are addressed.

Mr. Zavier Sosu who has served notice to the Adenta Divisional Police Command of an impending constituency demonstration, says that is their first action towards making sure things work again.

The October 18 demonstration according to the MP, is to alert government of the poor roads and drainage system in the area.

“It seems that nothing is working in Madina, and I cannot be an MP, over an area that will not work. So if it is not working, then I will make it work,” he stated.

In an interview with Joy News on Tuesday, Mr. Sosu noted that their plights need to be addressed by government to make them feel like citizens of Ghana.

As part of his responsibilities as MP, he revealed that he has filed an urgent question in Parliament about the deplorable state of the roads and lack of development in his constituency.

Since last week, several residents in some parts of the constituency have been trapped in their homes by floodwaters.

Due to the intensity of the flood in those areas, including Oyarifa Green Hills, school children have had to stay home for fear of drowning in the floods.

Residents in the area have blamed the flooding on buildings sited on waterways and poor drainage system.

James Appiakorang
James Appiakorang

News ContributorPage: JamesAppiakorang
