Mon, 08 Mar 2021 Social News

Adamfo Ghana Foundation donates laptops to 6 students of Safe-Child Advocacy

By Damian Avevor
Adamfo Ghana Foundation donates laptops to 6 students of Safe-Child Advocacy

Adamfo Ghana Foundation has presented laptops to six students of Safe-Child Advocacy (SCA) being sponsored by the Foundation in Tertiary education.

The presentation was made at the Drop-in Centre of Safe-Child by Dr. Emmanuel Adu-Ampong, the Board Chairman of Adamfo Ghana Foundation during a familiarisation tour to the church-run humanitarian organisation of the Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi.

Laptops have become indispensable learning material in response to the need for online learning made compulsory by Covid-19 pandemic.

Adamfo Ghana, a partner organisation to Safe-Child Advocacy, supports 12 indigent students in tertiary and over 100 indigent students in JHS and SHS under Adamfo Ghana- SCA Education programme.

Sr. Olivia Umoh, DC, the Director of Safe-Child Advocacy thanked Adamfo Ghana and the donors for empowering SCA students to learn better.

“We cannot thank you enough Dr. Adu-Ampong for all your support to the different services rendered to children in a street situation,” she said.
