
How Can You Tell If Your Child Is Struggling With Writing?

Feature Article How Can You Tell If Your Child Is Struggling With Writing?
JUL 11, 2020 LISTEN

Writing is one of those skills that you use in all of your subjects.

We typically teach spelling by having kids write their words several times.

We teach lots of subjects by having the child fill out a workbook page to see what they remember.

But when it comes to writing, the ball is different.

How can you tell if our child is struggling with writing? Here:

If they hate to write or take a long time to do so
If they have a mixed dominance
If they occasionally reverse their letters or numbers after age 7
If they are right handed but they make the letter 'O' clockwise
If they form some letters from bottom to top
If their copy work takes a long time and is labor intensive
If they do their math problems in their head to avoid writing them down
If their writing looks sloppy
If they tell great stories orally by write very little down
If they have a hard time lining up their math problems
If they press very hard when writing
If they are a teenager but they avoid writing at all costs
If they mix their capital and small letters when writing

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