
Wearisome But Fruitless

By Yakubu Ahmed Fatogma
Opinion Wearisome But Fruitless
OCT 16, 2017 LISTEN

Did I just caption this piece with that. OH yh!!! I did. It is pathetic how we appear to be excessively occupied yet get nothing done. It is known that every bit of a person’s effort is expected to result in gratifying consequences.

While this holds true for most people, same cannot be said for a considerable number of people given the disparity in deep sense of purpose and focus.

A few days ago I watched a video of one of my favorite movie character, Denzel Washington. While writing this today a particular statement of his run through my mind. And I recount it because of the impact it has on our individual lives and collective prosperity. He cautioned “don’t confuse movement with progress”. Of course we shouldn’t. Or I should say we mustn’t to elevate this to a higher degree of responsibility. It is unfortunate that the reverse of his statement has a commanding position is our daily lives. Most of us today, especially young men and women haplessly do things that are inconsequential. Just being carried away by the thrill moment. Misled by deception that truncates our vision and nearly visionless (or should I say eyeless).

The fact that our hands and minds are busy does not imply hardworking. We are the ones. Yes! We have no time. Yes! But what for? Now that’s a sixty four thousand dollar question.

Many examples abound people who are doing a lot today but end up with nothing to show for their efforts. If only we took the pain to painstakingly provide an answer to that one question, our lives would translate in to of kind-busy hands and minds, happy hearts. If only we did we wouldn’t be busy for nothing, engaging in pointless things that has no “purpose”. Working out our asses and still got nothing to show for it. Just being in yesterday every day.

If only we had the patience, the guts and the courage to question our conscience and lust-full minds, we would live our lives differently from what is today-like living on a treadmill down by our own sweat and still not reaching anywhere because the only place we get is where we are. Really speaking, that’s the truth of most of our lives today. We make toil yet it boils and evaporate.

I think a redirection of our efforts coupled with a deep sense of purpose is in fact needed to ensure that our pains are succeeded by gains and not “in vain”. Hard work is not working hard at nothing it is a sense of ingenuity that manifolds in a purposeful exercise or endeavor.

Ora et labora.
Yakubu Ahmed Fatogma.
