03.10.2017 Feature Article

Where Is Thy Trust

Where Is Thy Trust
03.10.2017 LISTEN

Many said your marriage was the best
How many wished you were their guest
But when your unfaithfulness did start
Under the shadow of pride your marriage is now a rust

Where is thy trust?
You were employed as a PRO
By dint of hard work you rose to CEO
Then you started shouting and insulting workers
Now the company has decended into the gutters
Where is thy trust?
The church helped you climbed the ladder
And made you a leader
As a result of your prospects
But now pride has made you a suspect
Where is thy trust?
The country they left you has collapsed
Because you have woefully trespassed
Under your imperfection,
The country has been swallowed by corruption
Where is thy trust?
Shadrack Oteng (Poet-Shaddy)
