
Talensi By-Election: NDC's Azorka boys clash with NPP's Bolga Bull Dogs

By Daily Guide
NDC Talensi By-Election: NDC's Azorka boys clash with NPP's Bolga Bull Dogs

Tension is mounting in Talensi following a clash between the ruling NDC's “Azorka Boys” and the opposition NPP's “Bolga Bull Dogs” who are both monitoring the ongoing by-election in the constituency.

The clashes have reportedly resulted in the injury of some individuals from both sides of the political divide.

There has been report of sporadic shooting around the NPP constituency office in the area.

Interior Minister Mark Woyongo who is on the grounds has told Accra-based Kasapa FM that there is “extreme provocation” from the political parties but the security agencies are keeping their cool.

Political watchers and pollsters have tipped the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) to recapture the seat it has dominated for over 20 years until the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) snatched it in the 2012 general elections.

The by-election is a straight fight between the NDC's BT Baba and Thomas Duanab of the NPP. The poll has become necessary following the enskinment of the MP for the area Robert Nachinab Mosore as chief of the Tolon traditional area.

