Tue, 06 Apr 2021 Social News

Liberia: UNICCO identifies with Nimba, Bong Families of Carbon Monoxide victims

By Fredrick P. W. Gaye
The Late Nancy, daughter Favor, and mother Yah, all victims of the carbon monoxideThe Late Nancy, daughter Favor, and mother Yah, all victims of the carbon monoxide
06 APR 2021 LISTEN

The United Nimba Citizens Council (UNICCO) based in the United States, has identified with families of eight persons who lost their lives on February 23, 2021 night as a result of generator Carbon Monoxide following the graduation celebration of one of the deceased, Nancy Miller.

Other deceased includes; Favor (Nancy's only daughter), Ma Yah Miller (Nancy's mother), Alice Wuo (Nancy's aunt) and Kou Miller, another family member.

The incidence occurred in the Coal Tile Field Community in Paynesville, outside Monrovia.

Three of the deceased from Bong County had been buried before caskets bearing remains of Nancy and her family members were taken to Zuluyee Town, Nimba County on Friday, April 2, 2021, amid tears.

Following the presentation of the remains to the Miller family by Superintendent Nelson Korquoi, UNICCO, through its Country Representative, Attorney Phelecia C. Yeebahn, could not hold back such a sorrow but took the stage to extend condolences to the citizens of Nimba and Bong Counties the disaster.

On behalf of UNICCO, Atty. Yeebahn donated to the Nimba family the cash of US$1,000.00, rice, oil, and other foodstuffs worth US$750.00 and US$500.00 to the bereaved families of Bong County.

Out of the US$500, US$200 was given to the wife of one of the deceased who gave birth a week ago and US$150 given to each of the other families.

Both families expressed thanks to UNICCO President, Mr. Dahn Dennis, and members of the Council for identifying with them.

They also thanked the UNICCO Delegation for being transparent. Though it was a sad event, the families were elated by a detailed explanation of the money by the UNICCO Liberia delegation and expressed their willingness to work with the Council.

Other members of UNICCO Delegation to Nimba include, Edmund Gbarwee and Fredrick P. W. Gaye.

The deceased were laid to rest on Saturday, April 3, 2021, in Zuluyee Town.
