03.09.2020 Opinion

ROB Quizzes…Africa’s Politics, The Bane Of Its Development?

By Nana Osei Boateng
ROB QuizzesAfricas Politics, The Bane Of Its Development?
03.09.2020 LISTEN

The way a manner it is played, in our parts

Like a hunky nasty war in a junky monkey forest with darts.

The ends really justify the means, but the means never justify the ends

Since the pauper never ceases to exhume their brains to lends

To these heartless and ill-mannered ‘politricians’

Albeit, these grassroots, paupers, are the sufferers to these ‘political paediatricians’.

From North, South, East and West, the wailings are clinging

Wondering if the songs of these perceived ‘Mon Dieu’s’ are the ones we singing.

They promise Heaven on Earth but end up doing Earth in Heaven

Why is it so?

They are as humans as we are, struggling and pinging to go to Heaven.

Do not be fooled yet we are always fooled, thinking they care for you, more than their lower bellies.

In the midst of abundance, more and more, are beggars, squatters, paupers…

What happens to our abundant God-given natural resources?

‘The white man took them.’ That’s what they always say

Yet we sign contracts, allowing these same foreigners to extract resources in the broad light of the day.

So what are those engaged foreigners, extracting? Dust, powder, konkonte…

The African deserves better than the cock-bulled stories.

They cajole you to fight, maim, injure and kill yourselves for their lower bellies to enjoy.

They keep their children in good schools to study rocket sciences yet keep you as a grassroot

They give you jobs that can not be sustained safely after 4 to 8 years, yet their children have fortunes.

They say your vote is your power yet you fail to show your power in the vote.

When will we ever learn? When will this African thing end?

It behoves not on a single person but a multitude of repentant dis-Africans.

Keep the ‘political paediatricians’ at bay, keep your interest first in anything

Quit the nonsense ‘this party or that party’ and see yourself and family as a party.

After all, ‘this party or that party’ have founders, being groomed abroad to take over,

To continue to keep you, as a grassroot forever, when the game is over.


