22.12.2015 Feature Article

The Birth And Life Of Jesus Christ: 10 Important Lessons To Be Learnt. (Part 1)

The Birth And Life Of Jesus Christ: 10 Important Lessons To Be Learnt. Part 1
22.12.2015 LISTEN

The breezes of Christmas are blowing across every corner of the world, and it wouldn't have been a better season to share some important lessons we can learn from the Man we celebrate today. As we feed our spirits with these lessons, 2016 promises to be a better year:

1. YOU HAVE A PURPOSE TO FULFILL: before Jesus was born, His purpose - the reason for which he was born, was communicated to the prophets and later, to His mother. He was to become the Saviour of the world. Jesus Himself would later confirm this fact when He said: 'I was born for such a time as this.'

As Jesus Christ, your birth into this world is for a purpose. You have an assignment to accomplish; there is a missing piece in the world that you alone can perfectly fit. God said in Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart...." God has chosen you to reveal His beauty. He has intentionally intertwined your talents, gifts, potential, strengths and even your weaknesses for the manifestation of this marvelous purpose He's planned for you.

2. YOU ARE NOT AN ACCIDENT: It doesn't matter the circumstances surrounding your birth. It matters not where you've been born or who your parents are. You might have been born out of wedlock, but God orchestrated it. Yes, your parents might not plan your birth, but God planned it. Yes, you've been born into a poor family, but God made it so. Yes, you have a deformity but in the sight of God, you're complete. Whatever the stories surrounding your birth and upbringing, you're never a mistake; you're not an accident.

Jesus was born in a manger, in a small town - he shared His early days on Earth with animals! Per the standards of His time, He was born out of wedlock. People would later make these statements about Him: "Is this not the carpenter's son?; Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" But these seemingly disadvantaged circumstances never stopped Jesus from becoming what He was mandated to become.

As we remember the season of Jesus' birth, stop being bitter about your circumstances! Stop looking down on yourself! Stop discounting yourself! Stop doubting your abilities! Stop comparing yourself to others! Stop blaming your parents! See, your purpose is bigger and better than your current circumstances. Jesus Christ is the proof! You have anything and everything you need to prevail in life! "For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope." - Jeremiah 29:11

NB: Part 2 of this article will be published tomorrow.

Author: Elorm Apediavu Hermann
[email protected]
