
Copy that EAGLE!

Feature Article Copy that EAGLE!
SEP 8, 2011 LISTEN

As soon as I woke up, I reached for my iPod. It was going to be a fun day and I wasn't ready to compromise on that. Preparing a message to be delivered in the evening on the theme, the EAGLE in YOU was magnificent because the song I was listening to gave me all the 'vim' in the world. The word 'vim' will soon be copyrighted by my brother Ato. He can't live a day without saying it. Hahahaha…. No more digressing…..

The majestic eagle…. with its powerful and graceful wings, can soar through the sky and cause traffic to stop on the side of a road for anything but modest picture. It is a symbol of power, strength, and thievery. Surprised? You'll be interested to know that there are many things that you might not know about the eagle. I call this part one because I cannot say everything about this bird in one post. Yeah I learn a lot from a bird. I am weird and weird is good because it makes you a limited edition.

In the early twentieth century, it began to be noticed how less often the eagle was being spotted flying high above lakes and rivers. After numerous studies, it was discovered that there were just a few thousand left to cover the entire area of Canada, America and Mexico. That is not leaving much chance of spotting an eagle which does lead to why we are so fascinated when we see one. In 1967 the bald eagle as they are mostly called was placed on the endangered list. Now, it was protected. At that time there were about 500 mating pairs known to researchers. In just a few years in 1995 it was placed at threatened status. Then in 2007 it was removed from the endangered list. It was still protected but researchers could see huge results. From 500 mating pairs to about 5,000 in just a few decades…. That is progress. The eagle has proven itself to be resilient. They can live up to 30 years in the wild and they mate for life. They are dedicated to their mate. But if tragedy should strike, they know that they need to keep on so another mate is chosen without hesitation.

That says a lot about a bird. They are very resilient and hardly give up. You are full of potential but you have to do your part and start tapping into it. There is something placed within you by the Creator. There is something you need to accomplish. Somebody needs your touch. Somebody needs what you have. There is no limit to what you can do but you have to shake off complacency. You have to shake off certain things that put you back. You have to be resilient. Maybe you have tried to succeed in life but have hit a brick wall again and again. Somebody may have told you “no” a thousand times; ask again. Keep asking till you get the “yes” that you seek. Be resilient like the eagle. This bird does not give up. When there is disaster and their mate dies, they keep on. They move on. They don't settle. They don't get comfortable. You may have done wonders in the past but you have never seen anything yet. The best is yet to come. Strive on! Push hard! Don't allow your life to become dull. Keep dreaming, hoping and planning for new projects and adventures. Wonderful things just don't happen. They are made to happen.

The males and females pretty much look identical but the females get the upper-hand by being about 25% larger than their mates. I guess we don't have to wonder who does the dishes in that household. When they go out on their own, they choose trees high up in the sky that can support a lot of weight. This is not because they eat a lot of fish, but because they like to make home roomy. They settle for the best. They go for the ultimate. They don't believe in mediocrity. Every bird could get a room on the lowest of trees but will never be comfortable since human activities abound. Reach for the stars. That is where you are supposed to be. Get a support system. Iron sharpeneth iron.

When you are down and have no one, encourage yourself. Find a role model. Find a mentor. If human activities or nature removes their tree, another one is chosen or they move a little bit higher. The nests can weigh as much as two tons (yes, I said “tons”) and be 9 feet wide. The depths of these nests with years of additions can get as high as 15 feet. Some have been documented to be even deeper.

The higher you go, the higher must be your footing. You must be heavy. Heavy so that you will not be easily moved by circumstances…They never rest on their laurels. People may have tried to push you down.

Circumstances may have soured your outlook on life. You might hate your family, your country, and your friends because of the pains you have been through but do not be discouraged. Let the pains of the past give you the strength to move on. Don't look back and get focused on your hurt and pains. Don't look down and live in self-pity. That would make you complain all the time about how unfair the world is. The key to rising higher is to keep looking to where you want to go, who you want to be. Let no man take that zeal from you. Don't focus on where you are today; keep a positive vision and see yourself accomplishing great things in life.

I would have to talk about the types, mating, feeding, eyes, beak to mention but a few on the eagle in subsequent posts. There are so many things about this bird that will speak to you. The attitude of this bird is worthy of emulation. So many of us get bitter and angry when a door closes but if you will keep the right attitude and press forward, other doors will open. Even if all the doors are closed, a window will surely open.
