
Queen Elizabeth II remarkable visits to Ghana

GHANA. Queen Elizabeth II on a state visit to Ghana. Dancing with Ghanaian President  Kwame Nkrumah. 1961.
GHANA. Queen Elizabeth II on a state visit to Ghana. Dancing with Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah. 1961.


Graham Lyons | 12/7/2016 2:30:03 PM

I wonder what the American Southern states would have made of this. A reason to be proud of our queen.

REPLY 3 Replies
Effah Boadi | 10/12/2017 11:09:36 AM

The first time the queen visited Ghana

eamom | 1/13/2018 8:11:39 AM

Greetings Graham,
Southern American lady here - This is a lovely and important gesture by both leaders. I think that your Queen has such dignity and honor.

Patti Tolbert | 2/4/2018 7:34:41 PM

Another southern states woman here. We are not all racist. I found this dance between them delightful and impressive.

Patti Tolbert | 2/4/2018 7:34:41 PM

Another southern states woman here. We are not all racist. I found this dance between them delightful and impressive.

Patti Tolbert | 2/4/2018 7:34:41 PM

Another southern states woman here. We are not all racist. I found this dance between them delightful and impressive.

Patti Tolbert | 2/4/2018 7:34:41 PM

Another southern states woman here. We are not all racist. I found this dance between them delightful and impressive.

Patti Tolbert | 2/4/2018 7:34:41 PM

Another southern states woman here. We are not all racist. I found this dance between them delightful and impressive.

Patti Tolbert | 2/4/2018 7:34:41 PM

Another southern states woman here. We are not all racist. I found this dance between them delightful and impressive.

Patti Tolbert | 2/4/2018 7:34:41 PM

Another southern states woman here. We are not all racist. I found this dance between them delightful and impressive.


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