02.07.2018 Feature Article

Mycotoxin Biological Weapon In Rwanda And The Shoddy Research By The Makerere University

Mycotoxin Biological Weapon In Rwanda And The Shoddy Research By The Makerere University
02.07.2018 LISTEN

A sea of skulls after the Rwandan genocide: Apart from journals and investigation by scientists, the book 'The Shadow of the Sun' by Polish writer Ryszard Kapuscinski, reveals that Belgium is responsible for the Rwanda genocide.

"Mycotoxin which causes aggressiveness was used in Rwanda during the genocide. The substance made the Belgian soldiers urinated on the faces of dead Hutus. We haven't forgotten that!!"

The Rwandan genocide is historically one of the shortest yet also bloodiest genocides of all time. The genocide lasted only 100 days, but in that short time span, an estimated of 500,000-1,000,000 people were killed.

In the small Central African country of Rwanda, there was a deep running history of tension between the two major ethnic groups; the Hutus and the Tutsis. When the Belgian colonists settled in Rwanda in 1916, they created identity cards that specified the two ethnicity groups.

The Belgians originally considered the Tutsis superior to the Hutus. The Belgians found it easier to enforce Tutsi superiority because they were the majority population. But when Belgium granted Rwanda their independence in 1962, they left something behind to ruin the country after the Hutus took over.

"Mycotoxin which causes aggressiveness was used in Rwanda during the genocide. The substance made the Belgian soldiers urinated on the faces of dead Hutus. We haven't forgotten that!!"

Most striking is the fact that two years before the outbreak of the genocide, the U.N. deployed 2,500 troops in Rwanda. They observed the tension and informed the international community of the massacre that would surely occur.

In August of 1994, the Tutsi RPF group led by Kagame retook the capital and soon after, the rest of the country, ending the genocide. When the Hutus discovered their reign had ended they feared Tutsi backlash and about 2 million Hutus fled the country into neighboring countries such as Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, and Zaire, taking their man-made diseases with them.

This mass exodus was referred to as the Great Lakes Refugee Crisis.

Rwandan Refugees Camp in Zaire UN referred to as "a Revision of Hell"

The same aggressiveness which showed up in human beings also appeared in lions and monkeys. But the aggressive nature of the monkeys and lions enhanced by the mycotoxins is less known. Also less known is that during the tribal war between the Hutus and the Tutsis in Rwanda and Burundi, it was also discovered that mycotoxins were in their blood, thus; it is the comparison with the aggressive behavior of monkeys on human beings.

In several scientific publications it is described that during the sixties and seventies, conflicts never ceased in Africa because some of the experiments carried by Western countries contain poisons substances.

It represents a deliberate spread of various types of mycotoxins. Secretions of these fungi have a carcinogenic effect that is very dangerous for soldiers. Interestingly, because they have a strong resistance-lowering effect in the body (latent) they present life-threatening viruses and bacteria.

Such toxins were scattered from aircraft or mixed with food or drinking. When people come into contact with these mycotoxins, after being vaccinated with vaccines against any infectious disease, which in Africa those years, it was done on large scale, leading to an explosion of a variety of diseases.

After poisoning with these mycotoxins, certain brain disorders, like nodding disease, occur resulting in very intense behavioral changes, accompanied by a strong increase in aggression and crime.

If someone scatters mycotoxins in the city or the jungle, human and animals would suffer the consequences of the effects of the mycotoxins. As an animal expert, I read about such poisoning of wildlife in the Animal Health Yearbook 1990, (FAO Animal Production and Health Series No. 30, commissioned by the WHO in 1990, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.)

Mycotoxin an agent that causes AIDS wasn't only used on Ugandan Children but also on Zimbabwean children

Research done in the rare literature on the AIDS explosion in Uganda and Zimbabwe will ultimately produce a report by Steyn in 1974, in which he reports on a rare substance in the blood of children. In the report: An investigation into cases of suspected poisoning in Africans in Uganda and Rhodesia.

If the blood of 80 Zimbabwean children is examined it is clear that the blood contains substance mycotoxin, an agent that can greatly reduce the immunological resistance to or even below the level of AIDS.

Further investigation by Steyn, shows that mycotoxins were found in the blood of thousands of sheep and goats, belonging to Shoan farmers. Later it was revealed that the animals died within hours.

The cause of this phenomenon was published by South African and UK scientists, in a non-political journal.

Therefore I spit on the article published in the Lancet in 1957, which described camouflaged experiments, carried out by French scientists between 1958 and 1960.

The article from Payer et al, in 1966, named; “Deux, observations d’enfants ayant consommé the facon prolongerdes souillees farines par aspergilles flavus,” (Translated: Children prolong consumed like the way aspergilles flavus soiled flour) myxotoxine, Presse Med. 1966, 74, 649-51.

Still further back in time, also R.C. Shank and others revealed in 1971 that aflatoxin was found in the children’s autopsy. The children had obviously died of AIDS.

Aflatoxin a killer agent from “Hell” and it's history

Not only mycotoxins were found in Zimbabwean children. Between 1911 and 1947, there was no single case of Kaposi’s sarcoma in the former Rhodesia. The sudden onset of Kaposi’s sarcoma clusters among black people in Zimbabwe raises a lot of questions during the colonial period of Ian Smith's Rhodesia.

Biological weapons include any organism or toxin found in nature that can be used to incapacitate, kill, or otherwise impede an adversary. Biological weapons are characterized by low visibility, high potency, substantial accessibility, and relatively easy delivery.

Also, Aflatoxin contamination is a growing threat to trade, food and health security in sub-Saharan Africa, where smallholder farmers are challenged by food production and now climate change, researchers said.


Painful images of the Rwanda genocide: A crying child holding the dead body of his father

Aflatoxins are toxic and cancer causing poisons produced by certain green mold fungus that naturally occurs in the soil. The poisons have become a serious contaminant of staple foods in sub-Saharan Africa including maize, cassava, sorghum, yam, rice, groundnut and cashews.

Biological warfare became more sophisticated against both animals and humans during the 1900s. During World War I, the Germans developed anthrax, glanders, cholera, and a wheat fungus for use as biological weapons. They allegedly spread plague in St Petersburg, infected mules with glanders in Mesopotamia, and attempted to do the same with the horses of the French cavalry.

In 1942, the United States formed the War Research Service. Anthrax and botulinum toxin initially were investigated for use as weapons, and sufficient quantities of botulinum toxin and anthrax cattle cakes were stockpiled by June 1944, to allow limited retaliation if the Germans first used biological agents.

The British tested anthrax bombs on Gruinard Island off the northwest coast of Scotland in 1942 and 1943, and then prepared and stockpiled anthrax-laced cattle cakes.

The United States continued research on various offensive biological weapons during the 1950s and 1960s. From 1951-1954, simulants (Bacillus globigii,Serratia marcescens) were released off both coasts of the United States to demonstrate the vulnerability of American cities to biological agent attacks.

This vulnerability was tested again in 1966 when the simulant B globigii was released in the New York subway system. A US testing facility and the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases building are shown in the photos below.

The Soviet Union (USSR) continued to develop biological weapons from 1950-1980. In the 1970s, the USSR and its allies were suspected of having used "yellow rain" (trichothecene mycotoxins) during campaigns in Laos, Cambodia, and Afghanistan.

In 1979, an accidental release of anthrax from a weapons facility in Sverdlovsk, USSR, killed at least 66 people. The Russians denied this accident until 1992.

Then out of the blue, from July 30th till August 11th, an international scientific meeting on “Nodding Syndrome” was organized in Kampala, Uganda, by the Centers for Disease Control CDC, United Kingdom UKAID, World Health Organization WHO and the Republic of Uganda.

Before the start of the meeting those famous institutes and Uganda excluded the toxicological and hypothetical cases because they all require further investigation. During the meeting and thereafter within the final report not one single word on mycotoxin involvement is discussed or described.

Not even within all scientific references to underline the discussion,

then suddenly the Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) organized a two days inception workshop for the new project “Mycotoxin contamination in Rwanda,” as if nothing has happened in the rest of the world. This meeting took place on May 5th, 2013.

Both meetings were triggered by the WHO, UKAID, and CDC because they know very well about the use of biowarfare agents in the early sixties, seventies and nineties in Rwanda and Uganda. If not, then Riverblindness must be the cause for the absence of information about the use of toxic agents like mycotoxin and aflatoxin.

So isn't there anyone in that region who knows about all those facts. It is most certainly not Makerere's University Department Of Health! After I read a scientific publication about: “Risk of Mycotoxins in Sorghum and Millet Grains,” investigated by; Y. B. Byaruhanga and A. Atukwase, from the Department of Food Science and Technology, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.

They did not mention any of the above described. Within the scientific publication, I didn't notice any discussion about biowarfare agent mycotoxin.

Innocent monkeys and lions
The innocent monkeys and lions in the jungle are not to blame for spreading or carrying any disease. Everything was man-made. Mycotoxins and aflatoxins sprayed by aircraft, called yellow rain, are to blame! Are you there dear reader? Those agents can also cause Aids, nodding disease and 56 other diseases. Makerere University, I need to tell you this.

There they are again, the Belgians
The disease pneumo cysteii pneumonia PCP was first discovered by independent Belgian scientists named Thijs and Janssen. Within the Congolese children, they found a specific form of pneumonia caused by the PCP.


USAMRIID: The Mycotoxin plant in the USA
Thijs mainly studied the matter of PCP and he was one of the first who discovered the relationship between the occurrence of PCP and symptoms in patients with AIDS. He also noticed massive Kaposi-like structures that are typical in AIDS patients.

An immunodeficiency, which is very easy to create in children by exposing them for instance to mycotoxin, lipopolysaccharide, and other endotoxin agents, is used in biological warfare in order to make people receptive to all kind of diseases.

The Belgians also found it easier to enforce Tutsi superiority because they were the majority population. When Belgium granted Rwanda their independence in 1962, the Hutus took over. President Habyarimana's plane was shot down after he signed a peace treaty with the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF).

Also, the killing of over ten million Africans, including women and children by the Belgian King Leopold II in Congo, mustn't be forgotten. Throughout the centuries of African history whoever can predict that Belgium, such a small country in Europe, could commit such heinous crimes in Africa?

Because they have to test their biological warfare products on human beings somewhere, and Africa, with its porous borders, weak security, and corrupt regimes, it is always easy for European and American leaders to commit medical crimes in Africa.

Therefore, Makerere University, I would like to suggest to the entire administration to get a well-influenced scientist, who isn't corrupt to write everything down without omitting the truth or if probably it was a mistake, then you need qualified scientists to investigate bioweapons used in Africa, including your country.
