20.08.2019 Feature Article

School Marriages: Why we love it?

School MarriagesSchool Marriages
20.08.2019 LISTEN

School marriages have always intrigued me, I had my flings in school but they were mutual hit & run kinda thing & I wasn't in a relationship with anyone.

What fascinates me is the how and not the why of it. As for the why its simple, people love romance without cost so any offer to have your senses tingled in fun by a boy or girl who doesn't like or love you but appreciates your jokes and body is welcome.

That may not be all the why as you can add the concept of insecurity in ones self to cope with life. With that I mean its mostly people suffering from zero or low self esteem who engage in school marriages. Though these persons have people at home whom they profess to love, when confronted with the daunting task of learning and development they notice something is lacking in themselves so they turn to whichever boy or girl around, so long as this boy or girl loves to shove or be shoved - its a sex thing.

One can also put the why on the shoulders of this tasteless thing called peers. It's sad when persons at the tertiary can be 'made' to do things just because 'my friends all do it and its normal.' Tertiary education is meant for adults with working brains, brains capable to negotiating between right and wrong, brains able to decide and implement an objective because the will can accept responsibility for it, yet we don't find that with most persons at our tertiary schools. Rather we find boys and girls who right after making commitments of love to a real boyfriend or girlfriend goes to school and jumps into bed with a stranger whom they barely know because room mates are all doing it.

Enough with the why as you know more of it than I do.

How can people engage in school marriages?

That is a question we'll have to answer later.

