Thu, 28 Jan 2016 Feature Article

Open Letter To Ghanaians:  It Is Time To Take Action!

Open Letter To Ghanaians: It Is Time To Take Action!

Dear Ghanaian,

Seven years ago we handed the NDC a book called Ghana.

We retained a copy of the book.

The idea was that we would read this book together and achieve national growth and development.

Seven years on, it seems Deputy Ministers are reading the book backwards, Ministers have actually stopped reading the book, the Vice President never even knew such a book was handed over to them and the President is reading an entirely different book.

The results are that the Government is moving in a direction which is both anti growth and anti development.

When ordinary Ghanaians express concerns over the sorry state of affairs the President either joins in the chorus of lamentation or asserts his place in Animalis Regnum as a dead goat.

The escapable truth is that this country, for every year the NDC has been in office, has fallen deeper and deeper into the abyss of irresponsible leadership.

Instead of finding solutions to the problems that confront our nation, Ministers in their entitlement mentality sit idle on the radio, calling for alternatives from opposition parties and others who point out the obvious consequences of their irresponsible actions.

Deputy Ministers have reduced their high offices to zoos from which the Government from time to time can pick and unleash rabid attack dogs unto Ghanaians who dare challenge the intellectual quality of the Government's policy prescriptions.

Appointments are dished out in a manner that defines cronyism in super colourful terms.

Not too long ago the Government announced an end to the energy crisis; such an announcement is of course welcomed.

But the energy crisis was only a symptom of the greater evil we suffer, a crisis of leadership, a crisis of responsibility.

There is no sense of responsibility in Government.

Deputy Ministers think it is their Ministers who must fix the problems that confront the nation, Ministers think it is the President who must fix the problems, the President thinks it is Ministers and deputy Ministers and so when he feels like he does a musical chair removing square pegs from round holes and replacing them with even bigger square pegs!...

The entire Government has been reduced to a laughable circus of reshuffles reminiscent in fashion and in substance to the childish game of musical chairs.

The only person not involved in this comedy is the Vice President.

Not because he is any more responsible of his work, but because he is entirely clueless as to the responsibility of his office.

This collection of misfits running this nation cannot move this nation in the direction and pace of development needed to address the fundamental challenges we face and make us a prosperous nation.

The NDC subscribes to a perverse ideology that has no place in a modern world. This is the Party that shall be seeking for your vote this year; the party that wasted an entire seven years of looting the resources of the nation.

You have a duty to stop them. It is time to take action; to campaign for a change in the direction of Governance. To replace overpaid self-seeking incompetents with leaders who put the future of our nation at the heart and mind of their policies and not their pockets.

The NPP has a record in office. It is a record of real positive change. It is a record the Government on international platforms is happy to praise as the product of good governance. That is the kind of governance Ghana needs now.

Vote for a Government that would truly be accountable to you.

Vote for the Government that was able to both balance the books and bring our nation real development.

Vote for Nana Addo and the NPP.

Vote for change!

Kofi Opare Hagan.

Kofi Opare Hagan
Kofi Opare Hagan, © 2016

This Author has 40 publications here on modernghana.comColumn: Kofi Opare Hagan

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oppon | 1/28/2016 1:38:00 PM

gud writeup

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