The National Petroleum Authority has launched a national consumer week here in Accra, under the theme, 'LPG-A friend not an enemy''. The consumption of LPG has witnessed a considerable increase over the years. An average of 228,000 metric tons of LPG is supplied every year from 2020 till date. This represents 8% of the total average petroleum products supplied to the market.
It has been estimated that the auto users of LPG consume about 58% of the total annual LPG supplied while households other commercial activities and industry together consume 42% as at 2013. Consumption of LPG is projected to increase to 491,000 metric tons in 2020 and 1.2 million in 2030.
This indicates Ghana has accepted LPG as a cheaper fuel, what remain is to educate Ghanaians on its safe use.
Speaking at the launch, the deputy minister of energy, Hon. John Jinapor maintained that 80% of burns are preventable and the sighting of fuel filling stations at residential areas not good. Ghana currently does not have a planned burn center. Although black carbon, is the second cleanest in the world, LPG is also a cleaner energy almost not polluting.
The NPA says their teams of technical inspectors constantly move to various industry facilities in the petroleum product supply chain, from the depots, in transit and to the retail station. However, their challenge has been the domestic handling where there is no inspector at homes and point of usage to check that the consumer is doing the right thing.
CEO of the NPA, Hon. Moses Asaga observed that the NPA is concerned about a series of explosions involving LPG Cylinders and LPG related fires in parts of the country in recent times, hence the focus on safety to intensify public education on the safe use and handling of LPG. The authority entreats all to observe the safety rules when dealing with LPG, from bulk storage haulage, retailing and domestic handling to ensure that accidents are reduced to the lowest minimum if not completely eliminated.
A number of programs have been lined up including a series of publicity mix to educate Ghanaians on the safe use of LPG. There will be the use of audio visual animation on the safe uses of LPG which currently airs on GTV in English and other local languages.
NPA will also increase the telecast of these series in other networks with an intensified media mix to radio, TV, newspaper, website, and all trending social media to ensure that no one is left in the sensitization process.