Tue, 18 Mar 2014 Feature Article

Let Us Embrace Changes….Sequel To Let There Be A Change In Juaboso Constituency

Let Us Embrace Changes.Sequel To Let There Be A Change In Juaboso Constituency

What comes into your mind when you diagnose President Obama's statement that” Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for and we are the change that we seek”.

The word change has many interesting definitions but what interest me most is the one given by the Free online Dictionary. It defined change as to cause to be different or to give a completely different form or appearance to something. I wonder if People take the time to ponder over this six letter word anytime they come across it or agitate for it.

I said this due to the comments or responses I received on my first article entitled” Let there be a change in Juaboso Constituency”. I realized that all the commentators on the said article wanted a change but the question is who will bell the cat?

Looking at the political, economic and social events in Sehwiman, I have realized that the foot soldiers of our great Political Party want changes in certain structures at the Constituency level but certain party executives who are tied to the apron strings of certain non-performing Political leaders due to certain benefits they enjoy from them are standing in the way of the needed changes.

These party executives who have become obstacle for the needed changes in their areas and do not want the status quo to change, after visiting more developed constituencies return with their eyes turning in their sockets like the Owl and begin to complain that their areas are underdeveloped when in the actual sense they have sacrificed development for few packets of Iron Sheets, Bags of Cement and some few Cedis. They seem to forget the simple logic that you can never eat your cake and have it. They will do everything possible to help entrench the stewardship of these non- performing parliamentarians.

Any potential candidate to their throne is described as either he has not done much for the party or the executives come out with their usual slogan “we don't know him” (yennim no). Meanwhile this Potential candidate is a card bearing member who pays his dues regularly.

People of Sehwiman, there are dedicated citizens among you who want a total change but all hands must be on deck to achieve it. Let us remember what the American Philanthropist Rick Warren said some time ago. He said” We are products of our past, but we don't have to be Prisoners of it” Do we have to accept our current situation as our destiny? No, we must not and the only way to do that is to get rid of some of these executives and their political” KONONGO KAYAYOS” who have become obstacles to development in our Sehwi.

Do other Constituencies in the country have more natural resources than we do? No, and if no, then why is Sehwiman the least developed area in Ghana? Like Cassius said to Brutus when they were conspiring to assassinate Julius Caesar, he said “men sometimes are masters of their own fates. The faults, dear Brutus, are not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings. Brutus and Caesar what should be in Caesar, why should that name be sounded more than yours?”

Honorable citizens of Sewhiman, what do other Constituencies have that we do not have? Go to the Akrokosua Forest in Juaboso Constituency. Timber, Cocoa, and Foodstuffs are in abundance all year round. Bibiani- Anwhiaso-Bekwai Constituency is the only place where Bauxite is mined in the whole country-Kenayerebomk Mountains at Awaso. Wiawso, Akontombra, Bia East and West are all abound in natural resources yet we live like Paupers.

Oh, Sehwiman, the fault is from nowhere than from ourselves. The National Democratic Congress has provided a level playground for us so that we can get our fair share of the National Cake but because we do not elect dynamic and dedicated people to represent us at where the National cake is shared we do not get our fair share. If not how in the world can we get one of our Parliamentarians as the Chairman for Parliamentary Committee for Roads and Highways yet roads in our constituencies are the worse in Ghana.

No one should blame the NDC government for it has done a lot for us. Look at those days when we were kids, the whole of Sewhiman had only two Constituencies but courtesy of NDC government Sehwiman has seven Constituencies now. It is now left to us to select vocal, dedicated and dynamic leaders ably supported by our traditional leaders to represent us at the national level.

As my style of writing is, I always conclude with practical experiences or examples to drive home my point. Sometime last year I was in Ghana and in the Juaboso constituency when a guy informed me that he had lost his Party identity card and had gone to get a new card from the constituency headquarters at Juaboso. He was ready to pay his dues as well. The card which had been duly signed by the secretary was taken away from him and was asked to comeback in a weeks' time. As I was conversing with that guy, I received a call from a friend who is also a good friend to the person who instructed the confiscation of the card.

The caller told me that your friend's party card has been confiscated upon the instructions of a BIG MAN in the Party. His reason was that they had heard that the guy has ambition to become MP one day and they did not want anyone to contest the sitting MP and that they will do everything to sabotage anyone they see as a potential contestant to their preferred candidate.

I asked myself this question, is that how the party Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings used his blood to sign its constitution run in our part of Ghana? Jerry will not take kindly to this and I will therefore entreat citizens of Sewhiman to bear in mind that” incredible change happens in people's life when they decide to take control of what they do have power over instead of craving control over what they did not do” courtesy of Popular Behavioral Science Academician Steve Maroboli. Citizens of Sehwiman the time is up for us to change our own destiny.

Kwame Aduhene-Kwarteng
Kwame Aduhene-Kwarteng, © 2014

This Author has 34 publications here on modernghana.comColumn: Kwame Aduhene-Kwarteng

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