
The NPPs Are Good Critics And Setbacks

Feature Article The NPPs Are Good Critics And Setbacks
WED, 15 JAN 2025

There will always be propaganda from the NPP; this is what they can do best. From antiquity (the days of Kwame Nkrumah) till date, they have grown to become better at one thing: serving the Europeans and western countries to destroy Ghana.

Remember, in the days of the parents of Nana Addo and their think-alike allies, they sought to destroy Ghana in the name of having the better plan. Like we all know, they are good when it comes to criticising and drawing the country backward. Remember, it’s the parents of Nana Addo and his think-alike friends who didn’t want Ghana to be independent because they were benefiting from the colonial powers.

From the early 1940s, they had put themselves in places to benefit from the European regime in Ghana. They never saw anything wrong with the cruelty mounted on Ghanaians.

These very people didn’t want the then Togolands to be part of Ghana. They were asking them not to agree to be part of Ghana. In fact, they did everything possible to separate the Ashanti assembly from being part of Ghana. All these guys wanted was to meet their selfish expectations at the expense of the common good of Ghana. Fast forward, their children, wicked as their ancestors have grown and with the same family ideologies, have pushed the big agenda of drawing Ghana backwards. They have been successful in winning a lot of the hearts of the people of Ghana, who today will defend even the drop of saliva from their lips as being honey. Indeed, the NPP today has grown to become a party rooted in destroying Ghana. They have trained many lips to attack good things being initiated by good governments. As they stay in opposition for 8 years or beyond, Ghanaians can be assured of one thing from them: criticisms and brainwashing of people. This I know they can do better because it is in their DNAs.

But the good people deserve better lives in a peaceful environment and this can be achieved through a government that is rooted in socialism.

Very soon, like it happened at the time of Nkrumah’s CPP holding the majority in parliament and being attacked for autocracy, the NPP with their micro-minority in parliament will sound the same way as their ancestors did during Nkrumah’s era. Despite their preparedness to hold this country back from development under this new and promising government, my only advice to the government is to stay steadfast and deliver beyond what they promised. The needs of Ghanaians are way beyond what were promised and if you’re able to deliver only what you promised, we will vote you out. Our needs are endless. Stay on the job and deliver.

May your reign be better. Before I forget, happy new year, and on your record of coming back to take your rightful place, congratulations. I remain one of the watchmen, Emmanuel Graham Nyameke.

Emmanuel Graham Nyameke
Emmanuel Graham Nyameke, © 2025

This Author has 110 publications here on modernghana.comColumn: Emmanuel Graham Nyameke

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