
JymWrites: Social Advertising VS Content Marketing

Feature Article JymWrites: Social Advertising VS Content Marketing
FEB 9, 2022 LISTEN

In 2020, I started managing social media accounts as a job (job to me because there was payment, some small coins for the boys) and I only managed two accounts between 2020 and 2021.

I like to think 'strategy' in most cases so I carried my strategies into trying to help these brands get what they were paying me for. I’m not a fan of doing something because everyone else is doing it. I’m a firm believer in finding your own path; using what you have and your scenarios to create a new path being for yourself or your business.

Of cause, they all wanted quick results and in their own words, results were better immediately after I took over without them having to spend much like they use to do. But soon, the pressure started mounting and they needed more.

I was against their strategy to get more and I made it known to them. Building a community around your brand requires time and quality content. Because social advertising goes hand-in-hand with content marketing or what you may call quality content.

I learned this by working with (an online news portal) as a content creator and blogger. I analyze how content on our social media platform was performing and how it leads to conversions, using different scenarios.

The problem with Young entrepreneurs
As entrepreneurs, we prefer to spend our hard-earned dollars on content that no one cares about. This is the reason why many brands on social media are still using organic instead of paid promotions because we don’t see the results. Why don’t we see the results? Because we use the paid promotion options wrongly; wrong timing and for the wrong targets.

The idea with social advertising is not to spend on every content but to spend on already performing content. I know this because I’m spending the small company money to promote content that no one seems to care about.

I was too excited about letting potential audience know about a new product we are going to be launching on the 1st of March (the product is that I forget the valuable lessons I learned while analyzing content. But I was quick to relearn by looking at the insights that they don’t care about the awareness creation materials, so why spend on them looking at the situation we have as a startup. But they may be interested in the quality content the content team invested time and energy creating, so why don’t we wait and spend on that instead?

The Bottom Line
We are in an economy that does not favor startups and so being strategic about spending money should be the order of the day. If only you want to build a sustainable business. You do want to build one, right? Then let's stop spending the little revenue we make on promoting every content we create, and channel that towards promoting content we have invested time and energy creating to make sure they get to the wider audience. This makes more sense than spending on content that is struggling to gain attention.

Spend your money on content that has already started performing well organically and see magi happen to your brand.
