Thu, 22 Aug 2019 Feature Article

Appreciative Heart

A "Special Thank You" to you all
Theophilus QuaicoeTheophilus Quaicoe

Every day and night, new creatures are being created, some grow, some die the very day they are being created, some die along the way, for some, they grow older and stronger than they expected. All these diverse life developmental patterns work uniquely for the glorification of our Maker.

Turning over a new chapter of life is not an automatically guaranteed fortune; it's made possible through God's gracious power.

As days twinkle and years race, I fall deeply into life decisions, and its unique patterns. The older I grow, the more I get deeper meanings to every decision I make in life.

This year's celebration is of no exception. I've got to understand that if you serve people genuinely and wholeheartedly, God will forever reward you. Whatever sacrificial work you aspire to do, if you do it with a humble heart, its corresponding reward will automatically be generated.

Contemporarily, one of the greatest assets globally is social capital. Building that asset demands enough time, sacrifice, humility, tolerance, wisdom and vigilance. Least did I expect that I had a strong social capital like you. The love and care you displayed are irreplaceable. Your messages were so powerful and heart-soothing.

Hilarious smiles and gaiety consumed me all day long. I couldn't have experienced such an excellent mood of gleefulness, without your affectionate and inspiring spirit of love.

Your write-ups were vehement enough to revive and harmonize all the disintegrated parts of my emotional arena. They reshaped and reunited my spiritual and physical orientation.

Some made me weep uncontrollably; not because it contained a negative aroma, but the words were so powerful for me to consume.

You really made my day.
God bountifully bless you all.
I'm forever humbled and grateful.
Your friend,
Mr. Theophilus Quaicoe

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Started: 25-08-2024 | Ends: 25-09-2024
