Mon, 11 Mar 2019 Feature Article

'Winning Inside The Garden'

Wisdom automatically makes one to be known by all, because a wise person's life always shines and becomes a fountain of lessons, where people always drink from.
'Winning Inside The Garden'

Putting on a crown is a very exciting experience every individual would like to taste. Even when a coin is tossed during intense competition of every facet of life, everyone wants to victoriously grab the head, but will never dream of securing the tale of the coin.

In athletic competition, you'll always witness competitors training diligently every day and night, and researching assiduously about the best strategic method of becoming the fastest runner, tapping into every available resource, sneaking to identify the weak areas of other competitors, and planning effectively to master and become the best in those areas, in order to become the victor, but not the victim.

Receiving an honourable honour in the midst of several equally potential victors, after a competition is indeed a great achievement. However, such price is not achieved on a silver platter, but requires massive amount of action, commitment, wisdom and diligent training. It also requires one's consistency in investing his resources into the competition at all times, and prudently following and applying all the rules of the game.

Such an individual consistently researches about the conducts, rules, best practices, and sanctions for violating each of the rules of the game; hence, he strives diligently to as well become the referee, coach, lawyer and expert of the game.

Imagine someone who has spent two or three decades, invested all his resources in a competition, with the hope of becoming the best athlete in the world, only to realize he has been disqualified from his final international competition, because he violated just a single rule of the game. This is a very painful moment no one would like to ever experience in his or her lifetime.

However, there's a secret behind every competition, thus, the art of uniqueness and practice-wisdom. These two key elements always place one on an upper hand over his/her competitors in every competitive game.

Unique people always own the process, listen extensively to details, go the extra mile, "reason beyond the bar", develop smart techniques and feasible practice framework, shoot above the target and strike assertively with higher level of flexibility, locus of control and adaptability.

Almost every individual in this era wants to attain a deep-rooted famous standard in life, rather than a well-designed wise living pattern.

However, wisdom and fame are two different things. Some people often confuse the terms. Being wise means that there's consistency in your moral behaviour, you think before you speak and act, you restrain your tongue from unworthy and unproductive words and lean consistently on God's Handwriting. Wisdom automatically makes one to be known by all, because a wise person's life always shines and becomes a fountain of lessons, where people always drink from.

Whilst running a "famous living race" means that you're always hooked to the target of becoming fame. Therefore, you employ all the strategies and mechanisms to penetrate "closed doors and unbreakable walls", even if stepping on people's toes, rights and freedom, is an asset to fuel your energy and make you run faster, you do not care.

Such people often lean on their own understanding and principles, because they use the easier routes to get to their destination, rather than following the true "narrow path" of righteous living.

People whose motive is to become famous mostly force things on themselves, and lose guard of their shield of wise principles.

Be wise in all your doings, and your life will always shine in the world, and people will always draw closer to you and drink from your "fountain of wisdom". You'll not even conceive of fame, but it'll automatically and forever chase you wherever you go.

Theophilus Quaicoe.

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Started: 25-08-2024 | Ends: 25-09-2024
