
Influx Of Network Marketing Businesses In Ghana

By Isaac Akolgo Agaare
Opinion Influx Of Network Marketing Businesses In Ghana
SEP 6, 2018 LISTEN

It seems there is a new network marketing company every single day. I have even lost count of existing ones. Am even getting scared. God should save us. But I like the way they have turned Ghanaians into motivational speakers. You hear them say “Rise up and take your destiny into your own hands”, “Be your own Boss”, “Financial freedom/independence”, etc. Go ahead and take your destinies from God and manage it yourselves.

Don’t forget being a network marketer doesn’t make you an entrepreneur, because that is someone’s company. So technically, you are still working for someone. So, tell me what type of entrepreneur will network marketing make you? And we have people leaving (resigning) professions like nursing, teaching, banking, etc to focus on network marketing to be their own bosses. How secured is that network marketing business? If the business collapses today like the banks, will you go on the streets and demonstrate that the Government should employ you again as doctor or teacher?

How long has the company existed that you can say they have stand the test of time and even if they have been there for long; is the company richer than Apple and Microsoft that they can make all of us rich since you want all of us to join. Before I forget, no matter the amount you are making or you have been promised to make; you should know the owner who is the ENTERPRENEUR is making ten times (10x) of that amount.

Our poverty situation coupled with our insatiable desire and love for money is being exploited here. These foreign companies are taking advantage of our ignorance to milk us but I refuse to a part of this. I know many who are into these businesses will call me ignorant and a fool but I will urge them to go ahead and get richer than Bill Gates through those network businesses. The founders of these companies themselves are dreaming of becoming Bill Gates through you.

Companies publish their finances at the end of the year for their stakeholders to know what is going on. As a member of these network marketing companies you are automatically a stakeholder; request for the income or earnings at the end of the year and if they manage to give you a figure ask yourself how much of that money is coming to you as your share. They will say I do not understand how it works.

The zeal, passion and hard work that is put into these network marketing businesses can turn you into a billionaire in a year if you were to start with your own idea as a business. They will ask “how many businesses have I started myself?”. For your information, I have not started any yet but am better of without these network marketing businesses. I am very comfortable with my God’s provisions for my life. I have come to believe; the love of money is what will kill our generation.

The collapse of DKM, and the recent happenings in the banking sector should serve as caution when investing into anything. These companies can vanish at any time, and you tell me they have built office complex. Was DKM operating under tree?

The funny thing is that they all tell you “we are not a PONZI SCHEME (you can google it if you don’t understand it) but the others are”. It’s like a man wooing a woman by saying all men are cheat including your husband so leave him and come to me, I am different”.

They promise you trips abroad and cars to drive and so what? You mean without these network marketing businesses your dreams of these things can not be realised? So let me ask, if the entire country’s population decide to join these businesses what will then happen, since you are all busy to get everyone registered?

The most annoying part is when someone is introducing this business to you, he or she will say they are helping you meanwhile they only need you because they have been told to register someone to get to the next level where they will make more money.

My brothers and sisters, we are educated and as such should not allow ourselves to be deceived else your education would have been a waste. I know many will insult me but expressing my concern so the insults are welcomed.

My second plead is to the Bank of Ghana and all institutions who are supposed to be checking and regulating the businesses. Please monitor the activities of these network marketing businesses before we arrive at a crisis and be asking ourselves questions that will not arrive at answers by then.

Isaac Akolgo Agaare
[email protected]
