![Of Gender Wars, Democracy and the Spiritual Principality called Feminism](https://cdn.modernghana.com/content/300/360/127202433853-0g830m4yyt-feminismhandgenerated1.jpg)
Prophetic Analysis
It is written, “16 Moreover, the Lord said, ‘Because the daughters of Zion are proud And walk with outstretched necks and seductive (flirtatious, alluring) eyes, And trip along with mincing steps and an affected gait And walk with jingling anklets on their feet,17 Therefore the Lord will afflict the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion with scabs [making them bald], And the Lord will expose their foreheads (send them into captivity)” (Yeshayahu/Isaiah 3:16-17, AMP).
Isn’t prophecy grand? As we see the WIG-WEARING generation of the daughters of Zion, we get to know that prophecy is real and continues to be fulfilled, right in front of our eyes. This article looks at the spiritual reality behind the façade of feminist posture in the world today. In it, the author seeks to expose the reality of what Satan plans to do with a generation of PROUD and ARROGANT females who despise patriarchy and hide behind the guise of feminism and “women’s empowerment” to pervert family-based government.
“Gender Equality” is Rebellion against Divine Instruction
In my youth, I heard and clearly remember the words of a preacher: “as it goes with the Church [of Jesus Christ], so goes the nation!” Yes, what is taking place among the servants of Elohym (God) affects and reflects what is taking place in families and ultimately nations. This is because the holy assembly called “the Church” has been called to be “the light of the world” and the “salt of the earth”. So, what is taking place within the Church in Ghana and across the globe? Among other things, the INIQUITY called feminism is bearing more and more fruit than ever. The negative fruits of feminism have become more prevalent as a generation continues to wrangle to become free of the institution of fatherhood . . . particularly Yahweh’s Fatherhood.
Today, perhaps more than ever, a generation of women have despised Yahweh’s reflective institution called fatherhood. The role of men in society is therefore increasingly being perceived as irrelevant or simply put, “all about the Benjamins [$100 bills in US paper money] baby”! It is written, “O My people! Children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Your leaders lead you astray And confuse (destroy, swallow up) the direction of your paths” (Yeshayahu/Isaiah 3:12, AMP).
The previous verse of scripture expresses what ancient Yisrael (Yahweh’s chosen people) endured at one point in their history: A GENERATIONAL CURSE. The curse itself manifested such that “women” literally ruled their family units and “children” were raised in such a way that people were being oppressed by them. Consider that if this was the cause of ancient Yisrael’s downfall at a particular juncture, we must ask, “Why then do so many church assemblies of today tolerate feminism in the holy place?” Why do we even tolerate females (of the evil-hearted, rebellious and women’s empowerment persuasion) running nations in the name of feminism and gender equality?
Clearly, as a generation we are bearing the fruits of one of the SILLIEST of the seventeen (17) United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality. Interestingly, even grown men in Ghana and other parts of Africa have bought into this philosophy. This is proof that when the holy scriptures are obscured from a generation of men, it is inevitable that their minds will be instructed to imbibe the philosophies of the heathen institutions of global democratic governance. The result is that ideologies like feminist doctrine will eventually find their way into families, thereby corrupting the very essence of what the family was intended for. This feminization of family leadership is EVIL! Yes, it is evil! It is evil because Yahweh said so.
Feminism is a Doctrine of Devils
“Now the [Holy] Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1, KJV). If you thought that this article was intended to gloss over the wrongdoings of African men in how they have governed families or even entire nations, think again. That is not the intent of the author. Rather, let me say this: to address the wrongdoings of mankind against one another, it is imperative that all of us, men, women and even children get a good look at Yahweh’s model for family and national government. The choice is therefore mine to inform you, Yahweh’s model is about something called headship and not HALFBAKED “doctrines of devils” like feminism.
So, what is headship? Headship is one of the many principles of righteous government. It stems from the understanding that the living God . . . the God of Yisrael . . . the Almighty King . . . Yahweh Elohym created the man first, with the intent that He [Yahweh] alone would rule mankind and that the man would love the woman. In loving the wife of his choosing, the only expectation of Yahweh, is that the woman would have no choice but to submit to her own husband. The heavenly delegate otherwise known as the apostle Paul, expressed the divine model of HEADSHIP in his letter to the assembly of the brethren at Corinth thus, “3 But I want you to understand that Christ is the head (authority over) of every man, and man is the head of woman, and God is the head of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:3, AMP).
Based on the Holy Scriptures—which are available to all nations today—it behooves every male member of the human species to know and understand that Yahweh has chosen to rule in the midst of mankind by the man Yeshua ha Mashyakh (Jesus Christ). This is the essence of why Yeshua was sent by Yahweh to reveal the order of heaven’s government through the message of the GOSPEL. When men refuse the gospel, they are ultimately preparing themselves for chaos in their families and via corrupted family doctrines like feminism, ultimately, their nation. Christ is the head of man . . . believe it or not!
Let me also say that if you are among the many SIMPISH Ghanaian men and perverted African “Christians” who believe that women wielding HEADSHIP OVER MEN is okay, just consider the example expressed by the apostle Paul, again, in the same letter to the assembly of the brethren at Corinth. By God’s inspiration Paul wrote these words:
“34 the women should be silent in the churches, for they are not authorized to speak, but are to take a subordinate place, as the Law says. 35 If there is anything they want to learn [that is, if they have questions about anything being said or taught], they are to ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to talk in church. 36 Did the word of the Lord originate from you [Corinthians], or has it come to you only [so that you know best what God requires]? 37 If anyone thinks and claims that he is a prophet [a true spokesman for God] or spiritually astute [filled with and energized by the Holy Spirit], let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord’s commandment. 38 If anyone does not recognize this [that it is a command of the Lord], he is not recognized [by God] (1 Corinthians 14:34-38, AMP).
Let me add that, subordination of women was NEVER intended to be done in the spirit of unrighteousness. It was also never to be completely thrown out of the Church just because some men have made mistakes in both family and Church government. Rather, this doctrine whereby women are intended to be subordinate to male headship is the standard in Yahweh’s Kingdom.
So let’s be clear, this doctrine of headship is not going anywhere anytime soon. And since Ghana and the world think that they are wiser than Yahweh Elohym—He is the Creator of heaven and earth—by condoning feminism, it must be categorically stated that when Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang finds her way into the Ghanaian presidency, we among the people of Elohym have NO SUCH DOCTRINE . . . SHE IS NOT OUR HEAD! Professor Opoku-Agyemang has feminist leanings that DO NOT reflect the heart of certain Hebraic, Ghanaian and other African value systems. Such feminist impositions are simply part of the democratic distraction by which WESTERNERS seek to experiment with African social systems. Among Yahweh’s people, ONLY CHRIST IS OUR HEAD!
Manifestations of Feminism and the Beast of Revelation 13 Revealed
Currently, the spiritual principality called feminism is hovering over the democratic nations in Africa and the globe and seeks to infiltrate the Church of Jesus Christ. This principality continues to unleash its doctrines of devils over learning institutions across the earth. The social results have been that among generations, Generation Zoomers (aka Gen-Z) are among some of the most spiritually twisted, morally deviant and emasculated to date. In other words, feminism and all of its resultant perversions such as LIBERALISM, SEXUAL IMMORALITY, MALE EFFEMINACY, TRANSGENDERISM and the like, can be strongly linked to feminist doctrine being taught or hinted of in the home, schools and higher learning institutions of today.
In the past, we have watched nations like the United Kingdom (under Elizabeth II), Pakistan (under Benazir Bhutto), Liberia (under Ellen Johnson Sirleaf) along with other examples subtly ignore the canker that is FEMINISM-charged headship in government. This was often done in the name of women’s empowerment, but however led to regimes that showed significant breakdown in law and order, as well as other serious social ills I will not discuss in this article. Now, Ghana wants to do the same. Even in nations like the Dominion of Canada where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is head of government—he is a recent divorcee and a self-declared feminist—social problems are mounting due to feminist-directed government policy. Under his government, Canadians are also being continuously bombarded with the feminist perspectives of a femi-NAZI-hijacked Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
I end this piece by asserting that mankind is literally living in the “last days”. Among those who are well informed about doctrines related to what is referred to in the Holy Scriptures as the LAST or “LATTER” DAYS, there is the common knowledge that an antichrist global ruler called THE BEAST shall emerge at a certain point during this period. And as this beast of Revelation Chapter 13 prepares to rule the world and to persecute Yeshua’s people (i.e. his Church), every child of God in Ghana and across the globe must understand that one of the major spiritual principalities that will usher in the beast governmental order is the spiritual principality associated with feminism. My counsel? Church of Yeshua do not be fooled for even a moment! Feminism has absolutely no place in the divine order . . . except of course in the lake of fire, along with the rest of the vessels unto dishonour. Amen!
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Mawuetornam Dugbazah is a professional designer and communications specialist. He writes on contemporary issues of faith, science, politics, economics, righteousness and reason in the church and beyond. He is also the Principal of Dugbazah Communications (DCOMM), a communications consultancy.