
Our Role

By Ismail Ibrahim
Opinions Our Role

Everyone has a beloved. Someone they adore, one they can die for, one they can sacrifice everything for and one, whose sadness deteriorate them. In fact beloveds are compassionately loved and equally have offers for their beloveds; it might be for no great reason, but to show appreciation for the love and attention.

That should be the relationship between ourselves and our beloved country, Ghana. We are the beloveds of our great nation and has undoubtedly received so much goodies and love from her. Its our responsibility to realize her effort and support to making her great and strong.

Every Ghanaian has a role to play in the development of Ghana; roles aren't specific but worth their purpose. We all should identify our capabilities and support our nation's growth with it.

In fact, its sad that, many Ghanaians expect everything from the government. They expect to see him handle and get solutions to all the problems our nation faces. Leaders need the support of their people to achieve their set goals; the people equally can form a part of the goal setting and thus support the process that will ensure its achievement.

A lot have to be done to ensure our growth as a nation and thus, our efforts are required in lots. Together, we can do a million and individually, we can achieve just a little. Let's support government to achieve the goal of developing our great nation, Ghana.

Every citizen matters and equally has a great responsibility to ensuring the growth of our nation.

Let's keep the growth of our nation dear to our hearts. Let's think of Ghana as our country and not theirs.

Ghana belongs to us all and we surely have the responsibility of aiding in its growth.

God bless our homeland Ghana.
Written by Issah Rahama
Email: [email protected]
University for Development Studies, Tamale.

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