
10 Key Questions To Find Your Core Purpose In Life For 2019 & Beyond

Feature Article 10 Key Questions To Find Your Core Purpose In Life For 2019  Beyond
JAN 3, 2019 LISTEN

Would you like to live a life where you can get paid to do what you love? Whereby, you can impact lives and attain financial independence for yourself and others. Wouldn’t that be the best life for you to live! Well, that’s the essence behind living a fulfilling life as a human being. There are universal principles that can help you to identify your passion, purpose, and progress through 10 key questions.


Before jumping and diving into these principles and questions. Here are some individual examples to help paint a colourful picture for you to see where we are going on this topic.


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George Ayittey is a well-known college professor in the USA and a man full of tremendous passion. He is also an economist and author. It’s clear that he’s passionate about the politics and economics of Africa and shares his critical thoughts and insights each chance he gets, which are through books, speeches, interviews, and social media. Moral of this example is George Ayittey has dedicated a piece of his life towards advocating for an improved and prosperous African continent because he deeply loves his native land so much and wants to see her progress.


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Black Star aka Mos Def & Talib Kweli are 2 men of strong purpose who were solo artists/musicians before coming together to work on a group project called Black Star in the late 1990s. They made records to discuss subject matter that related to Black-America or African-American culture and experience. Moral of this example is Black Star opted to stay true to themselves and do music out of a conscious effort to address social issues effecting their local community and the world as well.


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Emmanuel Nyame is a serial entrepreneur and has recently written a book titled RISE ABOVE: INTERVENTIONS of BUSINESS and SOCIAL IMPACT. In his book, Emmanuel placed strong emphasis on humans being resourceful and starting off small with their endeavors in life. Moral of this example is be cautious doing risky business, especially if it’s your dream path to progress in life on a personal level and/or as a business venture.


With these examples, we can now breakdown universal principles and 10 key questions that connect each of them respectively.

First principle is your passion. This is something you do without money, is something that gives you tremendous joy, and is something you would do every day if you could.

The 3 key questions to ask yourself are:

  1. What would you do without needing money?
  2. What gives you tremendous joy in life?
  3. What is something you would do every day if you could?

The answers to these important questions will help you to arrive at the destination of your true passion.

Second principle is your purpose. This is a gift, talent, and/or skill you possess in yourself to do something for a significant reason.

The 2 key questions to ask yourself are:

1. What is your gift, talent, and/or skill?

2. What is your strong Why behind your passion for it?

The answers to these important questions will help you to arrive at the destination of your core purpose.

Third principle is your progress. This is about you taking consistent action to achieve milestones.

The 5 key questions to ask yourself are:

  1. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  2. What is your path forward?
  3. What action will you take?
  4. How will you hold yourself accountable?
  5. How will you assess your progress?

The answers to these important questions will help you to arrive at the destination of your optimal progress.

Universal Principles of passion, purpose, and progress through 10 key questions allows individuals to improve their personal development, to impact lives of others, and to also get compensated for doing what they love to do. It’s a beautiful way to live a fulfilling life and to make a living for oneself and others. Do you agree?
