17.09.2018 Feature Article

Greening The Evoked Set

The AuthorThe Author
17.09.2018 LISTEN

Greening the evoked set can make the difference to the attraction or rejection of brands by customers. When experiences and attitudes with brands become threat multiplier to sustaining the human societies, economies and businesses, it limits the development of future generation and exposes them to unnecessary stress in meeting their needs in harmony with nature amid antisocial tendencies that can also be environmentally destructive. This may be a natural mystic blowing through the air as Bob Marley hinted years ago and if you observe carefully you will see and not just hear. This is what William Rees calls the ‘ecological effect’ as emphasized by Baidoo and Afful (2018). In an evening with Nicholas Maweni as organized by CIMG for the year 2018, a 360 degree view of the customer with a personal touch is key in delivering excellent customers experience.

A major dot that excites the thought of many market oriented practitioners who have had the pain and pleasure of building a competitive intangible brand on top of the heart and minds of customers is on green perspective. This is embolden by many researchers and scientist that the world population could double to more than 10 billion as at 2050 with increased human consumption and activity which could rapidly deplete or exhaust the vital natural resources. The prediction could not be removed from the realities judging from the world population as at 2016 as 7. 442 billions. This could be the first trumpet and might as well be the last while many more will have to suffer as in the song ‘natural mystic’. In conveying the message and heralding the impart of the green concept is an extension to green consumers, green market , green product and green marketing with a new thinking and innovative approach towards issues about the environment.

Juggling the demands of this subject stakeholders make decision on the consequences between stimuli from the environment on either their immediate satisfaction or on the benefit for future generation to prolong the resources of the earth as sustainable development through judicious exploitation, transformation, utilization, protecting of wild nature to enrich life and control of environmental challenges. Unless you are in the happy minority of customers who purchase impulse, your beliefs and attitudes should come handy on green option or possibly renew the search additional alternatives. Kurtz and Boon (2006) expressed that consumers belong to a lot of social groups, the group membership influences on the individual decision to project positive image or unspoken desire. Mc Donald, an advocate for greenism, explained it to mean different things to many interest groups: sustainability, conservation, corporate social responsibity, ecological, new consumerism, humanitarian, and political. If we can think of these evoked set of variables to make decision, the problems of the environment will be reduced as Mahatma Gandhi remarked that the earth only provide enough to satisfy every man’s needs and not his greed.

A genuine influence on the fundamentals of environmental Marketing as expressed by Akonnor in setting the direction of businesses, offer a novel variations on social responsibility that summon our minds on obligation towards the society. In a related vein, greening forge connection with holism as regards tackling internal and external control coordination with focus on the external environment and plug in to sustainability on developments that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. These nuggets of information recognize the holistic management of the processs through identifying, anticipating and satisfying the requirement of customers and society in a profitable and sustainable way.

In the light of being socially responsible, Oliver Sheldon called for balancing technological efficiency to societal welfare. This fits in to the grand scheme of going beyond the production of goods and services for profit to solve social problems, build stake holding, beyond the market place and serving human values than a sole focus on economic value. This call comes with the brainwave that businesses help to solve social problems that it helps to create. This is not a sectorial problem but an all-encompassing one for which one and all have to face the reality now. According to Pearce and Robinson (2013) the duty to serve the society and the financial interest of its stockholders should focus on issues of pollution, disposal of solid and liquid waste and the conservation of natural resources should be principal consideration in strategic decision making.

The currency of greening present an opportunity for a more external open systems marketing orientation by viewing the organization as a hole and part of socio environmental ecological system. A business that sells an aura of an environmental status should be interested in the problems generated by its activities not only to the society but the whole ecosystem of flora and fauna and human beings. This creates a verbal banner to both the inside and outside stakeholders in pursuing the greening mission for these; everything is connected to everything else hence change in one strand affects the other, everything goes somewhere with environmental problems revolving around industrial systems end up in the wrong place, nature knowing best and the spoken logo of cost in every human intervention. The only way forward if we are going improve the quality of the environment is to get everybody involved in as remarked by Richard Roger. The products and processes that safeguard greenness in the treatment of people as well as it ecological impact in the customers evoked set give a competitive edge to companies.

Baidoo and Afful turned the spotlight on sustainability with the extent to which growth and consumption patterns place increasing stress on the ecosystem: environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, deforestation and the breakdown of social and economic system. In addressing this, the 6th environmental action program focused on ensuring that consumption of resources and their associated impact do not exceed the carrying capacity. If you wish the environment well, you eventually wish your health and future generation well. Following through with the principles of sustainability and powerful combination of leadership and policies, de-marketing, new approach to consumption and customer satisfaction with premium on greening the Evoked set, we will reduce threat multipliers.
