Wed, 11 Jul 2018 Feature Article

The City of London and Grand Theft Ethiopia

The City of London and Grand Theft Ethiopia

For decades now, going back to when Bob Geldoff handed over millions in cash to Meles Zenawi back during “We Are the World” circa 1983-4 supposedly for food aid for the victims of what was then the Great Ethiopian Famine, The City of London has been at the heart of Grand Theft Ethiopia, grand theft Africa really.

With out a place to stash your loot why steal in the first place? If you cant hide your dirty money where no one can take it from you why bother? And this is just what The City of London has been doing, laundering Billion$, some say Tens of Billion$, of stolen “aid” money for the late Ethiopian Gangster Government lead by Meles Zenawi. War, drought, famine followed by more war, drought and famine, The Horn of Africa maybe better called the Horn of Hunger and thanks to The City of London what was supposed to be used to feed the starving, house the homeless, nurture the sick and educate the illiterate was instead deposited in the financial cesspool calling itself a “City”, population seven thousand.

The City of London makes its own rules with some saying it was behind Brexit because it cannot survive if it must follow new EU banking regulations concerning money laundering and balance sheets. Cooking the Books is what its called and it is implanted in the DNA in the City of London.

Today Ethiopia is struggling to build a sustainable future free from debt bondage and beggary, and the Billion$ sitting in former Ethiopian leaders accounts in the City of London could go a long way towards turning the situation around.

The City of London is at the heart of international banksterism, and needs to be shut down and the ill gotten gains of crooks around the world returned to those they stole it from. The new Ethiopian peoples government has vowed to get Ethiopia’s money back and has promised a list of offenders and where they have stashed their loot. This could be the first step in helping expose how the City of London has been front and center when it comes to enabling Grand Theft Ethiopia.

Thomas C. Mountain is an independent journalist in Eritrea, living and reporting from here since 2006. See Facebook at thomascmountain or best contact him at thomascmountain at g mail dot com

Thomas C. Mountain
Thomas C. Mountain, © 2018

This Author has 152 publications here on modernghana.comColumn: Thomas C. Mountain

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