
What do you see as a Leader?

Unleashing the Hidden Potential within You to Achieve Greatness
Feature Article What do you see as a Leader?
MAR 25, 2018 LISTEN

What you see in your team as a leader determines how effective your team will be and how your organization will perform. – Tendai Mungate

Leaders who see the strengths of their team members and focus more on bringing out the best in their team members are the ones that have highly effective organizations and teams. A leader’s main job is to make sure you bring out the best in your team members. If you are not nurturing and bring out the best in them, then you are bringing out the worst in them. Bringing out the worst meaning your focus is not mainly on what they are the best at but what they cannot perform or their weakness.

In my studies of different leaders l have come to realise there is a group of leaders other that are good in terms of serving their team, offering good motivational programs for team member but these leaders have what l term sight problems.

Sight problems meaning they are constantly seeing the negative. Meaning their sight is only limited to that which the team member or team is not performing well forgetting to observe. I know a leader is responsible if things go wrong in the organisation, but the greatest thing a leader needs to be responsible over is his perspective, it can either develop or kill the organisation. In the different environments that l have served in l have realised this. Leaders that usually look at what the team members cannot do usually have ineffective teams why? Because what you constantly focus on consciously manifests.

Where the Sight Problems Emulated From?
This is a problem that l do not blame the leader for because society has made it easy for us to be sight biased. Here is one example, have you ever realised when a child in school performs well in English and does not do well in Science. The parents will get worried and tell the child to focus more on Science and this mentality is what has been brought into the work place. Instead of parents focusing and encouraging the child to read more English novels and literature they are taken to extra lessons for science which is wrong way of doing. Maybe the child is destined to be a great speaker or writer. This type of sight biasedness has been brought in the work place and has killed many organisations because the perception of the leader is biased. Team leaders have adopted this sight crisis and kills performance of team members. You are focusing on the wrong thing.

Great leadership is only seen by what happens when you the leader is not around, so to leave great legacies work on how you nurture your team members. Here a few things what a leader sees in his team member and nurtures.

What a great leader sees:

  • Strengths and making use of them for the effectiveness and success of the organisation.
  • Abilities to lead
  • Skills – technical, interpersonal, personal skills
  • Talents
  • Team member uniqueness
  • Weaknesses: working on them and later make them the team member’s strength

What a great leader nurtures within individuals;

  • Talents
  • Leadership – the job of a leader is growing other leaders.
  • Focus
  • Need for personal development (self-education is more powerful than formal education) – A learning organisation is a leading organisation
  • Responsibility – if a team member agrees to do a certain task one should be able to deliver and be accountable for the task.
  • Integrity – doing what is right no matter what odds
  • Positive Mental Attitude – attitude determines altitude. (Team member attitude towards tasks determines altitude of their performance)
  • Excellence
  • Weak areas in character and work ethic that need to be improved
  • Teamwork – no one does it alone

These are just but a few of the things that leaders and see in team members. Want your organisation or institution to achieve massive organisational success look at what you are seeing in your team members.

What you see in your team will determine how you motivate and nurture them to achieve organizational goals.


Unleashing Your Potential Within
Tendai Mungate
Tendai Mungate (20) Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Vision Escalators Consultancy Group is currently studying at the Midlands State University is a Inspirational, Motivational, Transformational Speaker, Philanthropist, Leader-prenuer, Leadership Coach, Entrepreneur, Workshop Facilitator, Drummer and Writer. His life purpose and passion is in Inspiring and Unleashing the Hidden Potential Within individuals and to Achieve Greatness. Tendai Can be contacted via Social media facebook and twitter @tendaimungate instagram@coachmung1 and tendaimungateinspirations, phone and whatsapp +263784948274 email:[email protected]
