22.08.2017 Feature Article

Oxygen and Cancers: The Reality (II)

The writerThe writer
22.08.2017 LISTEN

Remember… chemotherapy and radiation kill almost all cancer cells, but do nothing else. They don’t change the conditions in your body that cause cancer to grow. This is why so many patients are declared “cancer free” only to see the killer return. Yet millions have benefited from treatments that both kill cancer cells AND keep it from coming back.

The One, Critical Nutrient That Attacks Cancer at Its Weakest Point Also Revitalizes Your Immune System… The one element that attacks cancer’s Achilles heel is oxygen. I know you may be skeptical. How could something so simple... so ordinary… make such a difference in your body? But you see… oxygen is life. It’s so critical; nature programmed your body to take it in automatically with every breath. You don’t have to think about it. Every cell in your body is designed to use oxygen. It’s the basic fuel for cell metabolism. Oxygen combines with vitamins, minerals, and hormones in your cells to release energy — energy that you need to stay healthy and enjoy life.

But today — thanks to pollution and other issues — you are not getting enough oxygen in the air you breathe. You’re exposed — every day — to toxins or heavy metals that stop your cells from using oxygen properly. And chances are… you’re missing vitamins or minerals that your cells also need to burn oxygen. Just ONE of these factors means your cells will not use oxygen the way they should. Combine one or more, and that’s when everything slows down. Low oxygen levels affect every cell in your body, and ultimately, your health. At first, you don’t notice it. You’re tired — but you write it off to being busy. You may be short of breath. Sometimes you forget things — like why you just walked into the room. Headaches become more common. Or you have aches and pains — with no real explanation why.

These are symptoms we usually brush off — or blame on “age”. But they are very real. Over time, your cells become oxygen deprived. In some cells, your mitochondria — the cells’ energy factories — are damaged. When this happens, cells can literally begin to suffocate. To keep going, some cells switch to using sugar instead of oxygen to create energy. If this goes on long enough, these cells begin to ferment like yeast. When this happens, cells stop working normally. They become ‘zombie’ cells — living to just eat and multiply.

This is why oncologists use PET scans to find cancer in your body. When you get a PET scan, you drink radioactive glucose — which is actually radioactive sugar. As this glucose spreads through your body, sugar-loving cancer cells suck it up immediately. The conglomeration of radioactive glucose in the cancer cells lights up on the scan. And your doctor can immediately find the cancer.

But here’s the problem: When your cells have to use glucose instead of oxygen to make energy, they generate huge amounts of free radicals. These free radicals then damage the DNA both within the cell and in other cells. More and more gene mutations occur. And a chain reaction begins.

These cells have become cancerous. And the chain reaction that creates these cancerous cells is called the Warburg Effect. This name honors the biochemist I mentioned earlier — Otto Warburg — the person who discovered the cause of all cancers in 1924. Bottom line… we know the cause of cancer. And we’ve known how to kill it without poisoning your immune system, for more than 90 years. Yet, incredibly, most doctors have never heard of this.

Fortunately, there is hope in all of this…The Good News Is… There Are Simple Ways You Can Get More Oxygen Into Your Body, Right Now. With a few, easy steps, you can flood your cells with more oxygen. You can also help your cells to use oxygen more efficiently. By doing this, your cells create more energy. Everything in your body works better. Your immune system can destroy cancer and other disease. Your liver can remove toxins. Your brain can process thoughts and react faster. More importantly… you feel better and more energetic. Because chances are… you are NOT getting enough oxygen. In our modern world — with widespread air pollution in major cities and fewer plants to produce oxygen — we only have about 10% to 15% oxygen in our atmosphere. In cities, this can be even less. Compare that to oxygen levels when dinosaurs walked the earth. Scientists estimate oxygen levels were as high as 35%. Today, you only get that in a ‘high-oxygen environment’ like an oxygen tent in a hospital! And while oxygen levels have dropped, carbon dioxide levels are skyrocketing — and not just since 1900.

Cancer Mortality Rates
Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at its highest level in recorded history. New evidence from ice core samples, published by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) show carbon dioxide — or CO2 levels — are far higher than anything our planet has experienced in over 650,000 years!

And here’s the big problem with CO2: It binds to hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Now hemoglobin should carry oxygen to your cells. But when CO2 binds to your hemoglobin, cells have less room to carry oxygen. So your cells become oxygen starved. This is why you should never start a car in a closed garage. Car exhaust is mostly CO2. And breathing too much CO2will kill you.

Plain and simple, CO2 shuts down your oxygen delivery. It’s no wonder the world — and especially Ghana — is facing growing rates of disease. Just look at the shocking rise in death rates from cancer .Cancer Death Rates Have Soared Since 1900

This rise in cancer death rates looks almost identical to the rise in carbon dioxide. It’s easy to see why our ancestors were free of cancer and modern blights like diabetes and heart disease. The oxygen they breathed protected them. Dr. Ervin Laszlo, UN advisor and professor of systems science and evolution theory, agrees. As he says, “At the oxygen levels we have reached today, cancers and other degenerative diseases are likely to develop.” Well, let me assure you… you don’t have to wait helplessly for cancer to strike you or someone you love. You CAN increase oxygen levels in your body. You can stop cancer and a host of other diseases. And you can do it easily, without spending a lot of money.

Many doctors and cancer researchers still believe that flooding cells with oxygen will help cancer cells to grow and spread. They are the reason that oxygen is used by ALL cells in your body for energy and growth. And that’s true… but only for NORMAL cells. Cancer is NOT normal. Cancer cells either need very little oxygen or none at all. And several studies prove this. Contrary to what many doctors believe, exposing cancer to oxygen slows its growth. The best thing you can do is to flood your body and cells with oxygen. Even better, you can also help your cells USE oxygen more effectively. And the payoff is enormous. You will…Breathe New Life into Old Cells… Recharge Your Immune System… And Revive Your Energy. When your cells use oxygen to the fullest extent possible, you feel revitalized. Plus, your body gains a renewed ability to fight disease and cancer.

The Powerful Natural Healer the FDA Wants to Crush
I mentioned earlier that at least 45,000 physicians use a natural oxygen therapy to help cancer patients worldwide. With it, an estimated 12 million people have been healed of cancer and other diseases. And it’s safe, effective, and easy to use. Yet fewer than 500 physicians offer this option in the U.S. Why? Shouldn’t it be easy to access a natural therapy proven to kill cancer? Shouldn’t it be easy to heal without poisoning your body? Not according to the FDA. The FDA continues to claim this natural oxygen therapy “has not been clinically proven to cure or be effective in the treatment of cancer.” And as recently as 2010, they seized medical devices used by doctors to administer this therapy, claiming the equipment was “potentially harmful to public health.” And they do this in spite of more than 6,100 studies from institutions like Harvard, Yale, Duke, and Baylor… research that proves oxygen therapies not only stop cancer, but several other diseases as well. Meanwhile, 1 out of every 10 cancer patients dies from FDA approved chemotherapy treatments every year. This is outrageous! And it’s why I want to help you get ‘every side of the story’. Because this therapy could save your life or the life of someone you love.

