04.06.2012 Feature Article

There is a way out!

There is a way out!
04.06.2012 LISTEN

Connecting the dots - what are you waiting for?

I guess you had fun connecting dots for images back in kindergarten. Sometimes puzzling; however you get to complete it at worse with the help of your teacher.

As part of developing the mind and learning, in kindergarten, children a presented with complete images of objects; example an elephant, rabbit, then juxtaposed with the same image a skeleton version marked by dots or numbers. The child is supposed to look at the complete image and then with the pencil trace the skeleton version by connecting those dots or numbers to complete the exercise.

In real life situations, we are connecting dots in different areas of life; as we grow and mature. Sometimes they are no teachers or helpers around to aid as through when we are stack. Connecting the ideas and resources to achieve our set goal; with the ideal image we have of how life should turnout, serving as the blueprint to follow through to achieve our goal.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

I like this story in the Bible where four men had a goal of connecting to Jesus for their sick friend to be healed; these men were faced with all the obstacles you can think off; the door to the room was closed, the room was packed, outside was crowded with people, no protocol to usher these men in. They could have stopped.

“Where there is a will there is a way”

This is what they did; climbed onto the roof the building and opened the roof and let their sick friend in to be healed by Jesus. Jesus was amazed at their faith. Their friend was healed. The image they had in mind was completed. When all the obstacles crossed their path in connecting their dots they found news ways of linking them up. Mark 4:3-5.

What do you do, when everything in the natural is not working, scientist providing facts that it can't be. Your promise and fail uncle couldn't help, the supposed “connection men” failing to provide you with the visa or the contract promised?

You are stacked and stunned!
If the proven paths are not working go on and create your own paths. If the teachers are not showing teach go to the library, teach yourself. If the coach is not coming get to the treadmill – start training. What are you waiting for?

“Don't sit there watching the wind. Do your own work. Don't stare at the clouds. Get on with your life.” Ecclesiastes 11:4

Are you waiting for the perfect condition before you move? You have the complete image as a guide to what you want; health, wealth, achieving financial freedom, winning a game, buying a dream house. Make your dreams a reality. Pursue your dreams, connect the dots yourself.

“If You can't fly! “Run.”
“If You can't Run! “Walk.”
“If You can't Walk! “Crawl.”
But keep moving towards your Goal… - Adolf Hitler”

God bless you!

Bernard Kelvin Clive
Author|Motivational Speaker
