Thu, 08 Sep 2011 Feature Article

Secret Societies & the New World Order

Secret Societies & the New World Order

1. Sons of Liberty:
Founded in 1765 by a group of local artisans and shopkeepers in Boston, this radical group contradicted the Stamp Act and other parliamentary revenue programs of the United States. Covered with secrecy, this patriotic society had played a significant role in the American Independence from United Kingdom.

The group was formed to protect the rights of the colonists from the usurpations by the British government after 1766. They are best known for undertaking the Boston Tea Party in 1773, which led to the Intolerable Acts (an intense crackdown by the British government), and a counter-mobilization by the Patriots that led directly to the American Revolutionary War in 1775.

The name was also used during the American Civil War. Early in 1865, the Copperhead organization, the Knights of the Golden Circle, was reorganized as the Order of the Sons of Liberty. Like their namesakes, these Sons of Liberty spoke out and acted against what they saw as an injustice of thwarted rights. In this case, the injustice was being committed by the United States government by denying the rights of the Southern States to leave the Union. The Order of the Sons of Liberty, found mostly in the Northwestern states- Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri and Kentucky, agreed with the idea that the Union was a voluntary establishment and any state wishing to leave and create their own form of government should be allowed to do so.

sons of liberty

Unlike the pre-independence era Sons of Liberty, the Civil War era Order of the Sons of Liberty was a highly doctrinal, hierarchical organization. The original Sons of Liberty were united simply in their desires to change the political attitude of the British government, but often differed on the methods to be used and the specifics of the end result. The Order of the Sons of Liberty required members to swear an oath to their cause, and had a strict list of purposes to be followed on pain of punishment. Whereas, the eighteenth century Sons of Liberty tried to avoid large scale military conflicts, the nineteenth century organization planned for it, collecting and distributing guns and ammunitions to their members. The Order of the Sons of Liberty opposed the Union draft and planned to fight with the Southern troops.

Furthermore, after the Revolutionary War, the Sons of Liberty were looked upon as patriots and great leaders of the new country. After the Civil War, the Order of the Sons of Liberty faced charges of treason. The Improved Order of Red Men, a patriotic fraternal secret society, claims to actually be the Sons of Liberty, having adopted the Native American motif after the Boston Tea Party. One of the secret societies at the University of Virginia calls itself the Sons of Liberty and daughters of liberty.

2. Skull and Bones:

skull and bones

Skull and Bones is an undergraduate senior secret society founded at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, in 1832 by William H. Russell. This college secret society is considered as the mastermind of some major cases such as the concept of nuclear bomb and the assassination of J.F. Kennedy. Symbol of imagination, intelligence and speculation, Skull and Bones is different from other societies on several points. It is a traditional peer society to Scroll and Key and Wolf's Head, as the three senior class “landed societies” at Yale.

The society's alumni organization, which owns the society's real property and oversees the organization, is the Russell Trust Association, named for General William Huntington Russell, who co-founded Skull and Bones with classmate Alphonso Taft. The Russell Trust was founded by Russell and Daniel Coit Gilman, member of Skull and Bones and later president of the University of California, first president of Johns Hopkins University, and the founding president of the Carnegie Institution. The society is known informally as "Bones", and members are known as "Bonesmen".

3. Freemasons:
This “society with secret” is considered as the true descendant of The Knight Templar which follows the propaganda of moral uprightness and fraternal friendship. This philanthropic society worked for the betterment of common people and rejected a specific religion or creed. Throughout history, Freemasons has been criticized for secretly controlling the world politics.

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around six million, including approximately 150,000 under the jurisdictions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and Grand Lodge of Ireland, over a quarter of a million under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England and just under two million in the United States.

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Twelve American Presidents have been Freemasons: Washington, Jackson, Monroe, Polk, A. Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, T. Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, F.D.R., and Truman. Others believed to be, or have been Freemasons: Ben Franklin, Charles Lindbergh, John Pershing, Robert J. Dole, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Mark Twain, and Cy Young.

In some countries anti-Masonry is often related to anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Professor Andrew Prescott of the University of Sheffield writes: "Since at least the time of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, anti-Semitism has gone hand in hand with anti-masonry, so it is not surprising that allegations that 11 September was a Zionist plot have been accompanied by suggestions that the attacks were inspired by a masonic world order.

The denomination with the longest history of objection to Freemasonry is the Roman Catholic Church. The objections raised by the Roman Catholic Church are based on the allegation that Masonry teaches a naturalistic deistic religion which is in conflict with Church doctrine. A number of Papal pronouncements have been issued against Freemasonry. The first was Pope Clement XII's In Eminenti, 28 April 1738; the most recent was Pope Leo XIII's Ab Apostolici, 15 October 1890. The 1917 Code of Canon Law explicitly declared that joining Freemasonry entailed automatic excommunication. The 1917 Code of Canon Law also forbade books friendly to Freemasonry.

In 1983, the Church issued a new Code of Canon Law. Unlike its predecessor, it did not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies it condemns. It states in part: "A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; one who promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict." This named omission of Masonic orders caused both Catholics and Freemasons to believe that the ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons may have been lifted, especially after the perceived liberalization of Vatican II. However, the matter was clarified when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI), as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued Quaesitum est, which states: "... the Church's negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion." Thus, from a Catholic perspective, there is still a ban on Catholics joining Masonic Lodges. For its part, Freemasonry has never objected to Catholics joining their fraternity. Those Grand Lodges in amity with UGLE deny the Church's claims and state that they explicitly adhere to the principle that "Freemasonry is not a religion, nor a substitute for religion."

4. The Knight Templar:
Also known as The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, this secret society was certified by the Roman Catholic Church in 1129. The Bible is considered as the base of Templars and they are said to be the devotee of Sophia, Goddess of Truth and Wisdom. It is claimed that large number of building projects were financed by this society across the Europe and also started the concept of safe deposit and banking activities.

The Templars were organized as a monastic order similar to Bernard's Cistercian Order, which was considered the first effective international organization in Europe. The organizational structure had a strong chain of authority. Each country with a major Templar presence (France, England, Aragon, Portugal, Poitou, Apulia, Jerusalem, Tripoli, Antioch, Anjou, Hungary, and Croatia) had a Master of the Order for the Templars in that region. All of them were subject to the Grand Master, appointed for life, who oversaw both the Order's military efforts in the East and their financial holdings in the West.

knights templar2

No precise numbers exist, but it is estimated that at the Order's peak there were between 15,000 and 20,000 Templars, of whom about a tenth were actual knights. The organization existed for nearly two centuries during the Middle Ages.

The Order became a favored charity throughout Christendom, and grew rapidly in membership and power. Templar knights, in their distinctive white mantles with a red cross, were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades. Non-combatant members of the Order managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Christendom, innovating financial techniques that were an early form of banking, and building fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land.

The Templars' existence was tied closely to the Crusades; when the Holy Land was lost, support for the Order faded. Rumors about the Templars' secret initiation ceremony created mistrust, and King Philip IV of France, deeply in debt to the Order, took advantage of the situation. In 1307, many of the Order's members in France were arrested, tortured into giving false confessions, and then burned at the stake. Under pressure from King Philip, Pope Clement V disbanded the Order in 1312. Portugal was the only European country where Templars were not persecuted and arrested (due to the King's will). The abrupt disappearance of a major part of the European infrastructure gave rise to speculation and legends.

5. The Illuminati:
The Shadow Government! This society was initiated on May 1, 1776, by Professor Adam Weishaupt, was the first lay professor of canon law, of University of Ingolstadt; historically; the name refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati. In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati.

the illuminati

The order had its branches in most countries of the European continent; it reportedly had around 2,000 members over the span of ten years. The organization had its attraction for literary men, such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder, and even for the reigning dukes of Gotha and Weimar. Weishaupt modeled his group to some extent on Freemasonry, and many Illuminati chapters drew membership from existing Masonic lodges. Internal rupture and panic over succession preceded its downfall, which was effected by the Secular Edict made by the Bavarian government in 1785.

The movement was made up of freethinkers as an offshoot of the Enlightenment, and seems to have been modeled on the Freemasons. In this context, the Illuminati are believed to be the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of a New World Order. Lots of prominent people were attached with this secret society or still working for it. The notable followers of the Illuminati are – David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Bush family, Barack Obama and Winston Churchill. They are also considered as the originator behind the phenomenon of New World Order.

6. Knight of Columbus:
Founded in Connecticut in 1882 by an Irish-American Catholic Priest, The Venerable Father Michael J. McGivny, the Knights and Columbus is the largest Catholic fraternal service organization in the world. A multi-billion dollar non-profit charitable organization, this secret society is devoted to the rules of Unity, Charity, Patriotism and Fraternity.

The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded in the United States in 1882, it is named in honor of Christopher Columbus. There are more than 1.8 million members in 15,000 councils, with nearly 200 councils on college campuses. Membership is limited to "practical Catholic" men aged 18 or older.

knight of columbus

Councils have been chartered in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Guatemala, Panama, Dominican Republic, the Philippines, Guam, Spain, Japan, Cuba, and most recently in Poland. The Knights' official junior organization, the Columbian Squires, has over 5,000 Circles. All the Order's ceremonials and business meetings are restricted to members, though all other events are open to the public. A promise not to reveal any details of the ceremonials except to an equally qualified Knight is required to ensure their impact and meaning for new members; an additional clause subordinates the promise to that Knight's civil and religious duties.

In the 2010 fraternal year, the Order gave over US$154 million directly to charity (over $1.406 billion in charitable contributions and 653 million man hours in the last 10 years) and performed over 70 million man-hours of voluntary service. Over 413,000 pints of blood were donated. For their support for the Church and local communities, as well as for their philanthropic efforts, the Order often refers to itself as the "strong right arm of the Church". The Order's insurance program has more than $80 billion of life insurance policies in force, backed up by $15.5 billion in assets, and holds the highest insurance ratings given by A. M. Best and the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association, though Standard & Poor's downgraded the program to AA+ in August 2011.

The primary motivation for the Order was to be a mutual benefit society. McGivney believed that Catholicism and fraternalism were not incompatible and wished to found a society that would encourage men to be proud of their American-Catholic heritage.

The Knights of Columbus is a member of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights, which includes fifteen fraternal orders such as the Knights of Saint Columbanus in Ireland, the Knights of Saint Columba in the United Kingdom, the Knights of Peter Claver in the United States, the Knights of the Southern Cross in Australia and New Zealand, the Knights of Da Gama in South Africa, and the Knights of St. Mulumba in Nigeria.

7. The Bilderberg Group:

the bilderberg group

The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only very confidential conference of approximately 120 to 140 guests from North America and Western Europe, most of whom are people of influence form various fields such as defense, education, politics, business, media and administration.. About one-third are from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry, labor, education and communications. Meetings are closed to the public and often feature future political leaders shortly before they become household names. This group was conceptualized to tackle anti-American activities in Western Europe. Due to its total secret policies, the Bilderberg Group is often charged with political conspiracies.

The role of the Bilderberg meetings in the flow of events since its founding in 1954 is a matter of debate among scholars and journalists. In his 1980 essay The Bilderberg and the West, researcher Peter Thompson argues that the Bilderberg group is a meeting ground for top executives from the world's leading multinational corporations and top national political figures to consider jointly the immediate and long-term problems facing the West. According to Thompson, Bilderberg itself is not an executive agency. However, when Bilderberg participants reach a form of consensus about what is to be done, they have at their disposal powerful transnational and national instruments for bringing about what it is they want to come to pass. That their consensus design is not always achieved is a reflection of the strength of competing resisting forces outside the capitalist ruling class and within it.

8. The Club of Rome:
This secret society was founded by Aurelio Peccei (an Italian businessman) and Alexander Christakis (Scottish scientists) in April 1968. It grabbed the international attention after publishing its report, “Limits to Growth” in 1972.

the club of rome

The Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues such as economy, education, environment, poverty, resource consumption, cultural diversity etc. Founded in 1968 at David Rockefeller's estate in Bellagio, Italy, the CoR describes itself as "a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity." It consists of current and former Heads of State, UN bureaucrats, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe. It raised considerable public attention in 1972 with its report The Limits to Growth. The club states that its mission is "to act as a global catalyst for change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision makers as well as to the general public." Since 1 July 2008, the organization has its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland.

9. The Fenian Brotherhood:

the fenian brotherhood

This Irish organization was founded by Michael Doheny and John O'Mahony in 1858 in the United States to overthrow the British rule in Ireland. Combination of Irish and American revolutionaries, this secret society was named after the term “Fianna”, which was an eminent band of Irish warriors. Their propaganda of “Social Justice” was very popular in North-east and Mid-west.

The Fenian Brotherhood trace their origins back to 1798 and the United Irishmen, who had been an open political organization only to be suppressed and became a secret revolutionary organization, rose in rebellion, seeking an end to British rule in Ireland and the establishment of an Irish Republic. The rebellion was suppressed, but the principles of the United Irishmen were to have a powerful influence on the course of Irish history.

10. Thule Society
Founded by Rudolf von Sebottendorf on August 18, 1918, the Thule Society is well known for sponsoring the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP) (The German Workers' Party), which later turned into the Nazi Party. Committed to the betterment of Germany, this society was strictly against the communist mainstream. Governed by scholars and intellectuals, this society had a great companionship with Adolf Hitler, the “fair haired boy”.

the thule society

It was a German occultist and völkisch group in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party). There is no evidence that Hitler ever attended the Thule Society.[1] But there was great enthusiasm among Thule members for Hitler, most notably Rudolf Hess and Dietrich Eckart. The occultists believed Hitler to be the prophesied “redeemer of Germany”. They were Hitler's first “disciples” and as such were crucial to his meteoric rise.

Rudolf von Sebottendorff had withdrawn from the Thule Society in 1919, but in 1933 he returned to Germany in the hope of reviving it. In that year he published a book entitled Bevor Hitler kam ((German): Before Hitler Came), in which he claimed that the Thule Society had paved the way for the Führer: "Thulers were the ones to whom Hitler first came, and Thulers were the first to unite themselves with Hitler." This claim was not favourably received by the Nazi authorities: after 1933, esoteric organisations (including völkisch occultists) were suppressed, many closed down by anti-Masonic legislation in 1935. Sebottendorff's book was prohibited and he himself was arrested and imprisoned for a short period in 1934, afterwards departing into exile in Turkey.

For further reading:
Wake Up America By Robert Howard, The Forbidden Knowledge:

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Tarig Anter
Tarig Anter, © 2011

This Author has 59 publications here on More Sudanese; Nubian-Fadicca local nation; civil engineer; political activist; New social democrat; Africanist; non-ethnic nationalist; secular humanist; Swadeshi believer; Anti-globalism; Anti-liberal democracy. Business interests include: optimum-cost housing; development of appropriate technologies; computer; and small finance.Column: Tarig Anter

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