Thu, 25 Aug 2011 Feature Article

Honor the Big Six

Honor the Big Six

Nana Joseph Kwame Kyeretwie Boakye Danquah deserves equal respect and admiration as all other independence fighters.

Judging them is acceptable, but bearing in mind all the environment of the 40's and 50's.

They complement each other and we must not look at them as rivals; despite their deep disagreements.

I don't think that Kwame Nkrumah was flawless; I would had disagreed with him in many issues if I were alive at that period. But still, I admire, honor, and respect his personality and values.

You have to name some big institutions after each one of the "Big Six": J. B. Danquah; Kwame Nkrumah, Obetsebi Lamptey, Ako Adjei, Edward Akufo-Addo and William Ofori Attah

Tarig Anter
Tarig Anter, © 2011

This Author has 59 publications here on More Sudanese; Nubian-Fadicca local nation; civil engineer; political activist; New social democrat; Africanist; non-ethnic nationalist; secular humanist; Swadeshi believer; Anti-globalism; Anti-liberal democracy. Business interests include: optimum-cost housing; development of appropriate technologies; computer; and small finance.Column: Tarig Anter

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