Mon, 27 Apr 2009 Feature Article

Kumawuhemaa helps NDC Choose a New DCE for Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains District

Kumawuhemaa helps NDC Choose a New DCE for Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains District

The misapplication of President Atta Mills' good intentions and policies on the selection of the DCEs has conspicuously dented the hopes and aspirations of the Kumawuman citizens. President Mills from the abundance of his overflowing wisdom intends to involve the traditional Councils (chiefs, queens and elders) in the active formulation and implementation of developmental policies for their districted areas. Hence, consulting them on whom they deem not only as capable for the job but also, feel convenient to work with as their District Chief Executives (DCE). This open window of opportunity intended to ensure harmonious co-existence between the DCEs and the traditional Councils in their attempt to realise essential developments for their people is grossly abused in Kumawuman.

Kumawuman is noted for her continuous disgusted dilapidation suffered over many years during the perverted reign of the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II and the current queen. How ruinously selfish and greedy these two individuals without vision have/had been for all these years? The truth is there on the ground for whoever cares to ascertain the facts for themselves. How come then that Atta Mills should seek to consider as uniquely paramount the opinion of such a nonchalant but callous queen when selecting a DCE on whose shoulders rests the well-being of the inhabitants of the district? Why should the recommendation of such an avaricious egotist be cardinal in determining who becomes the DCE for Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains' district? Mr. Atta Mills as aforesaid has/had good intentions for the people by his initiated policy to get the DCE and the traditional Council work together to ensure the betterment of their districts and towns. But the pre-eminence accorded the queen's sole decision to nominate and recommend a candidate for the post of the DCE without any least consultation with the entire traditional Council deals a fatal blow to whatever good intentions Mr. Mills holds about the Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains District.

The queen and her clique of irresponsible elders do not in the least represent the interests of Kumawuman. They only represent themselves and their egotistic insatiability for power and wealth. If they cared about their subjects and the environment in which they live, Kumawu as the seat of their traditional administration would not be left to suffer the ravages of nature to such an unprecedented degree of annihilation. They should be ashamed of not only their myopic execution of duties but also, their irresponsible infatuation of greediness. The queen by her noted unwelcome rapacious disposition is in every sense of the word unfit to take any decision of any sort on behalf of Kumawuman. She is such a control freak who always wants to manipulate situations to suit her ego. She thinks only about her well-being but gives not a hoot about others. Oh what a shame?

I would rather wish the agents of BNI sent to investigate or enquire about the contesting candidates for the office of the DCE had gone to meet either the entire traditional council or the queen of Kumawu-Besoro who commands the respect of Kumawuman by her caring feats. The queen and the Krontihene recommended one candidate while the traditional council and some other concerned citizens recommended another. What makes the corruptible queen's candidate more eligible than the one recommended by the selfless concerned citizens of Kumawuman in conjunction with the traditional council? Whoever or whatever the authority that gave credence to the queen's choice has done a great disservice to the inhabitants of Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains District. I pray the DCE does not yield in to the corrupt demands of the queen else, he will fail long before he starts his job.

Kumawu has not portable water yet the queen tells the world differently. Kumawu has not public places of convenience to attend to nature's call yet the two presiding corrupt traditional heads see it as nothing worth mentioning. Kumawuman suffers incessant outbreaks of cholera yet these greedy individuals don't give a damn. All those who condoned and connived with the queen to endorse a candidate for the office of the DCE for the Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains district based on their evil expectations will be disappointed. The DCE is admonished to steer clear of the usual manipulations and domineering anticipations of the queen and the Krontihene if he thinks to succeed in his new employment. He should not only prove a hard nut for them to crack but a tough guy ready to excel in his duties to the admiration of his employers and his fellow Kumawuman citizens. He should also note that my eagle eyes are keeping watch over his shoulders and will not hesitate to act in whichever way is deemed appropriate depending upon the circumstance. I will share views on how best to manage situations to the benefit of the inhabitants of the district. I will also not dither castigating him should he be found corrupt, incompetent and nonperforming.

John Fosu, USA

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