
Puntland deploys Helicopter to support military offensive againstIslamic State in Bari region

By Ali Hassan Abdulle || Contributor
Somalia Puntland deploys Helicopter to support military offensive againstIslamic State in Bari region
THU, 23 JAN 2025

Puntland regional administration has on Thursday displayed a helicopter to assist its forces in their ongoing operations against the Islamic State group in the Bari region.

The aircraft will primarily transport military supplies and evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield, where challenging mountainous terrain has hampered emergency responses.

The helicopter will deliver critical supplies, such as medicine, to soldiers deployed on the front lines. The remote and rugged areas where the clashes are occurring are often inaccessible to traditional emergency vehicles.

While Puntland officials did not disclose the origin of the helicopter, they emphasized that it reflects the administration's commitment to increasing support for its forces as they work to eliminate the Islamic State's presence in the region.

Brigadier General Mohamud Mohamed Ahmed, spokesperson for Puntland’s security operations,reported that 15 Islamic State fighters and seven Puntland soldiers were killed during intense clashes on Sunday and Monday. Over the two days of fighting, more than 20 people lost their lives,with at least 10 others injured.

This week’s violence follows Puntland's military offensive, launched last month after months of preparation, targeting extremist groups operating in the region. Although Puntland has faced threats from both Al-Shabaab and Islamic State militants, the current operation is focused on eradicating the Islamic State groups.

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