Tue, 31 Dec 2024 Feature Article

The harmfulness of the political and tribal polarization of Ghana

The harmfulness of the political and tribal polarization of Ghana

Whether Ghanaians have come to realise it or not, the country is politically polarized into NDC and NPP with most of their supporters seeing those on the other side as their enemies. This attitude is more obvious, and dangerously exhibited by the NDC camp than the NPP’s.

When a new government comes into power, the members of the ruling political party refer to it as their government, as if it is not the government of everyone and the whole nation but for a section of the nation.

The members of the ruling party come to see themselves as having more power and liberty in the country than those on the other side of the political divide. Some often decide to take to acts of lawlessness and hope to get away with it because their government is in power. This is a fact. It is an ongoing issue that only a shameless liar will dare to dispute. A clear example is the recent behaviour by some NDC members and supporters breaking into warehouses, shops, and food banks, making away with whatever they could lay hands on, why because, their NDC party has massively won the 2024 general election.

Again, the country is tribally and or, regionally, divided. Some tribes look on others as enemies, mock and hate them for all silly reasons. Some tribesmen are jealous of others from other tribes for reasons only best known to them. This undeniable fact is dangerously robbing the nation of the needed vital cohesion to unite all citizens as one people, one nation and with a common prosperous destiny.

Until we accept as a people that political and tribal polarization as well as open and oftentimes acrimonious partisanship are hindrances to the development of the nation, Ghana will have a long tortuous way to go in her anticipation for development. We obligatorily need to overcome those barriers.

Are the NDC not noted for sabotaging and undermining the NPP government at any least window of opportunity they get? Have their parliamentarians not been constantly disruptive in the 7th and 8th parliament of the 4thRepublic all with the aim of making the NPP government unpopular, cause public disaffection for the government, then get them out of power?

For want of power, fame and money, honesty and decency have become the two most nauseous or missing pills in the medical kitty in the homes of the Ghanaian politician.

As we usher in a new government in the new year (2025), could all Ghanaians please see the new government as for the whole nation but not a section of the people or the country?

Whether one voted NDC or not, if it has won political power, it is the government for all, and we have the obligation to embrace it with all our heart, mind, and soul.

Once majority of Ghanaians have elected NDC through validly exercising their suffrage, or deliberate abstention from the polls, we have a duty to respect and abide by the majority’s decision.

In Ghana’s democratic dispensation for the rule of law, freedom, equality, etc., and development, the writer will only advise against any invocation of “there being an exception to every rule”, by whomever.

Let us all unite to herald the new government, support her to bring about the peace and development the nation needs.

When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. If we continue to be divisive, disruptive and saboteurs, you and I will be those to suffer but not those in political leadership.

I wish the nation a happy and prosperous new year.

Rockson Adofo

Rockson Adofo
Rockson Adofo, © 2024

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