
The Myth Of LGBTQI+ Menance In The Context Of Nature And Nurture

Feature Article The Myth Of LGBTQI+ Menance In The Context Of Nature And Nurture
JUL 26, 2021 LISTEN

Sexuality is strictly an individual affair and unique to that person without much question and largely devoid of the usual negative public opprobrium but for the self-acclaimed sexual minority who wants to shout extremely louder than the “sexual majority” and cow them into an unhealthy and perpetual silence. Sexuality is usually characterized by three (3) main pillars: sensuality (how one derives pleasure), intimacy (the emotional aspect of relationship), and finally Sexual identity which comprises biological sex, gender identity, gender role and sexual orientation. Discussion around such sensitive thing ought to be contextualized by way of broad culture (tangible and intangible) rather the usual huffing and puffing or negative labeling.

The teething issue gaining public traction is the issue of sexual orientation (homosexuality, heterosexuality, and bisexuality). The proponents of homosexuality and bisexuality have branded it as human right rather than choice and personal decision, and are seeking to gag any person anyone who talks against it by labeling disent as “hate speech” in this fertile atmosphere of free speech which they cite in propagating their heinous practice forgetting the popular saying that “those who draw sword, will dies by the sword”, a clear case of serving them a dose of their own medicine. The proponents have tried to whitewash their practice as natural with a possible genetic connotation, this whitewashing still remains an unscientific speculation without any empirical evidence. Which gene(s) are responsible for this perverse acti? Then of course the proponent if care is not taken might brand bestialism, paedophilia, rape, and gerontophilia et al as natural with a possible genetic predisposition and therefore ought to be legalized or else we would be trampling upon their fundamental human right, and dabbling in hate speech. If this argument is sustainable all other antisocial acts including armed robbery can come under that unproven umbrella of genetics.

There is also palpable selectivity among the proponents homosexuality, which is mainly the western countries exposes their seeming contradictions, double standards, discrimination and visible hypocrisy. Why has most of these countries outlawed polygamy (polygyny and polyandry)? Why have they taken such discriminatory measure against consenting adults practicing polygamy? Is it because it is at variance with their culture or the polygamist has no genes, nor human right deserving protection. Why are the proponents quick to sanction and blacklist people, and countries who have different opinion against their practice just as they have successfully outlawed polygamy? Is it the case that some powerful people with heavy financial muscles want to outmuscle everybody especially the developing countries to tow their ungodly, checky and perverse way of life through monetary incentives and other economic bullying?

Social scientists have made it clear to us that behavior is shaped both by nature (genetics) and nurture (culture), the fine balance between the two produces a holistic being. The fanciful issue of genetic falls flat, because without nurture, one cannot reach his/her full growth potential. Africans and for that matter Ghanaians were nurtured with heterosexuality including polygamy which give rise to procreation (life), and poses basically no health hazard to practitioners as opposed to self-acclaimed sexual minorities whose act threatens the world and the continuous existence of human race, and has dangerous health consequences (especially gays) such as faecal incontinence arising from damaged anal sphincter which has the potential of putting pressure on our already stressed and fragile health system and budget which we finance through our taxes. It is a well-known legal maxim that you can approbate and reprobate, why is that a group whose action is an affront to procreation and human survival resort to adoption of babies, what a double standard and unprincipled position.

In conclusion, the proponents should keep practicing their homosexuality and ban polygamy in-line with their culture which we won’t begrudge them, and also watch us with joy as we outlaw their perverse practice which has no empirical basis, and give life to “Unnatural Carnal Knowledge” as contained in section 104 of our criminal code (Act 29), and promote polygamy which is in tandem with our culture and fair to common sense, and ensure perpetuation of the human race. Outlawing homosexuality won’t solve all our problem, but legalizing so would rather deepen our problems and destroy the moral fiber which binds us as people. China is developing very well without democracy, the Arab nations (Saudi Arabia, Qatar & UAE et al) are developing very well without democracy, this gives credence to the fact that we can grow and develop in diversity. Do your “trumutrumu” in your country and let us also practice peno-vaginal sex in our country.

Shaibu Issifu
Public Health Officer
