12.01.2018 Opinion

Donald Trump Insulted African Intellectualism?

By Apostle Kadmiel E.H Agbalenyoh
The AuthorThe Author
12.01.2018 LISTEN

It is alleged that American President Donald Trump has insulted African intellectualism while promoting Americo-European intellectualim. If this is truth, then the only super power nation after the destruction of the Soviet, hasn't study the prophetic history of the American continent, according to Rev 12:16; 13 : 11 - 18.

Most African higher institutions are established and controlled by Europeans colonial philosophers. These renowned philosophers have taught Africans only theory, and not theory with practical because they want to deprive African of divine creativity and intellectually enslaved and Europeanized them after graduating from school.

The Americo-European nations have exploited the continent of Africa of its natural and mineral resourses and taught some African leaders corrupt intellectualism, who then robbed African treasures of gold, diamond, oil, cocoa and others to build European countries for exchange of military equipment and weapons of mass destruction.

In fact, these colonial masters bought children of Africa from corrupted and inhuman African traditional leaders in what was Triagulal Slave Trade, which in developing Americo-European continents. It was the stupid Africans that fed Americo-European world, to so-called slaves cultivated the land that fed Americans and Europeans.

The intellectual Americo-Europeans are blindfolded powers who could not even differentiate human sexualities. If animals could differentiate their sexuality so much that male animal wouldn't have sexual intercourse with the same sexes , then, the so called intellectual Americo-European philosophers who had decreed sexuality between same sexes, could be humbly considered as intellectually fraud and immorally corrupt than African nations they are forcing to legalize homosexual practice, a culture that the senseless animals would not adopt to replace original sexual practice according to Genesis 2 : 21 - 25.

Intellectual European Powers behave like intellectuals who call moon the sun, and the sun - moon because the light and brightness of the two heavenly bodies, they could differentiate - Genesis 1 : 14 - 18.

Unknown to the Americo-European world could be their democracy, which originated from the pagan Greco-Roman world. The current practiced democracy continous Grecian-Roman Demoncracy, practiced between BC 331 and AD 1870. It is absolutely the religio-political Kingdom of Satan the Devil, according to Rev 16 : 12 - 15.

If the Americo-Europeans have praised the corrupted African governments that bought European military equipments and weapons of mass destruction, then, European Powers are themselves masters of corruption and destroyers of the Africans. Only Africans who haven't study the murderous history of the religio-political Europe would continously allow Americo-European nations to corrupt them with homosexual practice in exchange for false development packages, while the wealthy African land is plundered for the continous development of the Americo-European world.

In fact, African leaders have allowed themselves to be humiliated by Americo-European powers whose intellectualism allow them to have sex with same sexes, and even legalized sexuality between human beings and animals, the so called stupid Africans wouldn't do, except Africans who have been europeanized by the colonial masters.

In fact, any nation on earth that recognises homosexuality, lesbianism and bestiality could be the most intellectually and morally corrupted creation of the Almighty Satan the Devil who had wanted to seduce Yahsua the Messiah according to Matt 4 : 8-11.

If those who claimed to be godly intellectuals could make weapons of mass destruction, killing innocent people, children, mothers, aged people and scattering their victims (refugees) among homosexual communities, then, they are themselves deceived by Satan according to Revelation 12 : 9 - 10.

Only folly Africans could sell their birth rights just as senseless Esau according to Genesis 25: 29 - 34, Hebrews 12 : 16 - 17. African nations shouldn't have exported raw industrial material unto the Americo-European world, which make Africa nation to import the same industrial material from the Americo-European world, being finished products. This makes Americo-European nations have industrial power over exporting African nations.

If Americo-European world who had, christianized the so-called pagan African, now decreed same sex marriage, then their Christianity is a demonic cultural practice, which replaced the Judaic Christianity, established by the Almighty God and Christ Jesus, according to Romans 9 : 4-5.

Truly, Satan has employed the Greco-Roman-Papal world to replace the Mosaic and Messianic Judaism with the Greco-Roman pagan religious system. European world have killed those who worshipped the Almighty God, Yahsua the Prince of Heaven and had kept the Mount Sinai Religious Covenant for two millenniums because they rejected the Grecian-Roman-Papal Christianity, which is truly demonic, according to Rev 2 : 12 - 24.

Truly truly, United States of America is the prophetic false prophet that did deceive the entire human community (Rev 19 : 10-20). Calling unlawful the lawful, thus bringing divine judgment upon those who patronize their earthly intellectualism-Isaiah 5:20-21.

Without theocratic controversy, the so-called Americo-European intellectuals are heavenly classified as the most destroyers of the world l, for their philosophers corrupt the entire world with homosexuality, saying it is the right of people to use their own bodies as it pleases them- Jer 8: 7-9.

By Apostle Kadmiel E.H Agbalenyoh
Presiding Missionary,
Seventh Day Congregation of Theocracy.
