Aristotle (384-322 BCE), spent some twenty years advancing his education in Egypt until the invasion of Alexander the Great in 332 BCE, when Aristotle got the opportunity he had been praying for, to ransack leading Egyptian libraries and carry off all the books he wanted, to found his academy in Athens called 'Peripatetic Lyceum.'
Aristotle himself claimed to have written a few books in his lifetime. By 200 BCE, this small list had been inflated by the Greeks to 400 books, and by the first century CE, Arabian sources compiled at Alexandria, were saying a thousand books.
In other words, the Greeks had put Aristotle's name on as many Egyptian books and manuscripts as they could lay their hands on in the Alexandrine library. All the doctrines associated with Aristotle were stolen from the Egyptian Mysteries.
His doctrine of Being in the metaphysical realm, he explained as the relationship between potentiality and actuality acting according to the principles of opposites. The source of this doctrine is the principle of duality in nature, which Egyptian scientists represented by male and female Gods and pairs of pillars in front of their temples.
In the proof of the existence of God, Aristotle used two doctrines: (a) Teleology, showing purpose and design in nature as the work of an Intelligence and (b) The Unmoved Mover. Both of which, are doctrines of the Memphite Theology in which creation moved from chaos
to order.
Demiurge or Logos, while sitting unmoved upon the Primaeval Hill, projected eight Gods from various parts of his body, thus becoming the Unmoved Mover. His doctrine of the origin of the world is that the world is eternal because matter, motion and time, are eternal.
This same view was expressed by Democritus in 400 BCE, in the dictum exnihillo nihil fit (out of nothing, nothing comes), indicating that matter is eternal. This is the same as the creation story of the Memphite Theology of the Egyptians' Primaeval Ocean Nun, out of which arose the Primaeval Hill, representing chaos or primitive matter. Aristotle's doctrine was that nature consists of motion and rest and that the motion moves from the less perfect to the more perfect by a definite law of evolution.
This is the Egyptian creation story of the Memphite Theology, with nature moving from chaos by gradual steps to order. The doctrine of the soul in which Aristotle states that the soul is a radical principle of life which is identical with the body, and possesses five attributes; sensitive, rational, nutritive, appetitive and locomotive.
Other philosophers have defined the soul as: (a) material and composed of fire atom, (b) a harmony of the body through the blending of opposites and (c) as the breath of life in the
creation story of Genesis.
All these definitions are stolen from the Egyptian Memphite Theology already discussed, and from the Book of the Dead, where the soul is explained as a unity of nine inseparable souls in one, just like the Ennead Godhead of Nine in One, with necessary
Aristotle, like Heracleitus before him, described dualism as separating the mental (mind) operations from the changeless timelessness (matter). Aristotle preached what he described as the “Golden mean” i.e., that courage is a mean between timidity and recklessness.
The ideal situation is to balance extremes against each other. He insisted that mind is inside and not outside matter because mind is the formative principle. Both need each other and even in matter's lowest form, mind exists in degrees.
Aristotle's death in 322 BCE terminated the development of philosophy among the Greeks who
lacked the natural ability to advance such a science. Instead, the Greeks took up the study of 'Ethics,' which they also borrowed from the Egyptians' 'Summum Bonum,' or the Greatest Good.
NAIWU OSAHON, Hon. Khu Mkuu (Leader) World Pan-African Movement); Spiritual Prince of the African race; MSc. (Salford); Dip.M.S; G.I.P.M; Dip.I.A (Liv.); D. Inst. M; G. Inst. M; G.I.W.M; A.M.N.I.M.Poet, Author of the magnum opus: 'The end of knowledge'. One of the world's leading authors of children's books; Awarded; key to the city of Memphis, Tennessee, USA; Honourary Councilmanship, Memphis City Council; Honourary Citizenship, County of Shelby; Honourary Commissionership, County of Shelby, Tennessee; and a silver shield trophy by Morehouse College, USA, for activities to unite and uplift the African race.
Naiwu Osahon, renowned author, philosopher of science, mystique,
leader of the world Pan-African Movement.