27.05.2009 Feature Article

Best Seller Books On Man Breasts May Make A Fool Of You

Best Seller Books On Man Breasts May Make A Fool Of You
27.05.2009 LISTEN

If, like many, you seek good information on how to get rid of man breasts , you may be thinking of getting a book on the subject. But, from the many hundreds of books on toning, shaping and sculpting your body that have been published, how do you choose the best books on how to get rid of man boobs?

This article will show you how to select the right books to help you lose those man boobs. Perhaps you might not like what I have to say! Read on…

The first rule is, don't be too impressed by the strings of letters after the author's name. There are many so-called “experts” who have conveniently escaped from the real world into the classroom. Instead of mixing with real people that have real problems, they spend their days in the lecture rooms and library. The reward for this is to get a lot of letters after their names. They use their exam results to suggest that they have “expert knowledge” of life and people.

Rather than read books written by people who get their knowledge from books, it would make sense to read books written by authors who have “been in the trenches” and have real experience. They've either got rid of their own man boobs themselves or they have assisted many of their friends. “Friends” are not therapy patients that come in for the “$50 hour consultation” either. Friends are people the author cared enough about to give them time and dedication.

Next, avoid any and all of the books with “irresistible” headlines like “How to lose your man boobs in two weeks.” This is almost like saying, “lose your man boobs by getting scammed.” Many of the books on the market today turn that concept into 250-page documents. These are just works of fluff and fluff won't help you get rid of man boobs, so they don't deserve your attention – or your money.

Instead, you should look for a book that will give you new information you didn't know before; information that your friends can't give you.

For instance, will the book tell you what the best current diets are, based on up-to-date scientific knowledge about nutrition? Will it point you in the right direction to some of the most-researched nutritional supplements? Will it give you a step-by-step guide for performing the correct exercises? Will the book tell you how to get over the negative effects man boobs can create for one's own personal pride and self esteem? Will it give you advanced techniques when the normal methods to removing man boobs are too slow?

Finally, look at who is recommending the book. Do the testimonials seem like real people? Or are they written by the author's marketing company?

There are hundreds of books that will try to convince you that they really know what they are talking about. Sadly , most of them are drivel because they weren't written by an author who has seen it for real. As a result, they give broad generic advice that could be best summed up in a paragraph instead of a book.

Don't waste money and effort. Select your authority with care!
