20.05.2009 Feature Article

Six lies about cannabis smoking

Six lies about cannabis smoking
20.05.2009 LISTEN

1. Cannabis smoked in moderation is harmless.
Many believe that smoking cannabis in moderation will not cause addiction or cause physical damage. It's true that smoking cannabis in moderation will do less harm than smoking cannabis excessively or getting totally stoned every night. Nonetheless, even smoking cannabis moderately can still cause a cannabis dependency.

2. Cannabis has nutritional benefits.
Cannabis has no nutritional value for the human body. It does not contain any vitamins, essential trace elements, fatty acids or amino acids, complete proteins or even carbohydrates. It contains some dietary fibre if chewed and swallowed, but then, so does tree bark.

3. Cannabis is a great sexual enhancer.
Cannabis can enhance sexual arousal in some people – to begin with. But research has proven that frequent smoking of cannabis will reduce the ability to maintain erection and enjoy sexual intercourse.

4. Cannabis has medicinal value.
Cannabis is probably one of the biggest researched substances after opiates by medical laboratories around the world. To this day, I know of no pharmaceutical facility that seriously uses cannabis for any medicinal purpose. The claim that cannabis has a medicinal value is usually made by the illegal growers, importers, sellers and smokers in an attempt to justify their activities.

5. Cannabis is not addictive.
It is true that there are more addictive dugs than cannabis but to claim that cannabis is not addictive is irresponsible. Drug rehab centres all over the world are trying to rehab cannabis smokers on a daily basis.

6. Cannabis is a soft drug.
Cannabis has been called a ´soft drug´ by many authorities around the world. But whether cannabis is classed as a soft or hard drug there is nothing harder for a spouse than having to watch a loved one slowly killing their Brain with a narcotic addiction. The truth is all hard drug users started from ´soft drugs´. People who use cannabis may one day have to ask themselves, "which rehab should I book my self into?"
