Tue, 04 Feb 2025 Feature Article

The Enemy of my Enemy

The Enemy of my Enemy

Adolf Hitler has been much maligned and rightly so for plunging the world into the horrors of World War II and for giving the Jews a taste of the hell which they gave to the ancient Canaanites and are giving to the modern Palestinians. Adolf Hitler, whose anti-Blackness was no secret, inadvertently gave a grand assist to Black nations in Africa and the Caribbean by significantly weakening Europe, the heartland of Caucasian hegemony.

Like the pale Rider of the Apocalypse, the German death machine marched through Europe leaving death and destruction in its wake. German forces invaded and occupied over twenty European nations including France. Additionally, Germany almost bombed the British back to the stone age. After the Japanese attacked an American fleet of ships at Pearl Harbor, the Americans entered the killing fields and opened a new chapter of martial horror by dropping two atomic bombs on Japan.

The American entrance into World War II proved to be pivotal. France was liberated and the British were able to rally their forces subsequently bringing to a premature climax the dream of a German thousand-year reign as the masters of Europe and the world. The Russians who paid the ultimate sacrifice in lives did their part by successfully defending their motherland and by liberating Eastern Europe from German control.

In the aftermath of World War II, all the major European cities were in shambles. Followers of traditional African religion could have been justified in thinking that the great god of war Shango had visited Europe and had driven the continent mad with war-lust. Irrespective of what or who was responsible for igniting the martial inferno on the European continent, it became clear after the silencing of the guns in Europe that the policy of maintaining colonial empires was no longer tenable.

Adolf Hitler did to Europe what Europe had been doing to the world for centuries. Europeans swarmed out of Europe during the Age of Discovery and Exploration giving the native people of the world a taste of brute force. Long before the Nazis had established concentration camps in Europe, Caucasians from Europe had already set up concentration camps among the indigenous people of the world. There is a body of coercive evidence that supports the conclusion that the Germans perfected their genocidal skills in Namibia using the Herero people as test subjects.

The British and the French were no less brutal in pursuit of their hegemonic dreams on the African continent. Sven Lindqvist in his book Exterminate all the Brutes draws attention to a few of the main atrocities committed by Europeans against the indigenous people of Africa. In some area in Africa, Europeans seemed to have been committed to the same policy of extermination later practiced by the Germans against the Jews in World War II.

Of course, when the Europeans were committing their acts of genocide against African people, these acts were justified on the basis that in evolution the strong had a moral duty to ensure their survival even at the expense of the weak. Charles Darwin, writing in The Descent of Man, predicted that the ‘civilized’ races were destined to exterminate the savage races. European genocidal savagery was therefore driven by this kind of pseudo-intellectual drivel.

Paradoxically, when Adolf Hitler advance the proposition that the German people were the crème de la crème of the ‘civilized’ races and proceeded to exterminate Caucasian brutes, Europeans started to scream like whores who had not been paid for their pleasurable services. Apparently, genocide is a one-way street that should only be reserved for the non-Caucasian rift-raft of the world.

German-style survival of the fittest put the European myth of invincibility to the test. Even the mighty French responsible for so much mayhem on the African continent failed the invincibility test. Broken and fluttering like a reed in the wind, European nations were forced to abdicate their role of masters of the universe. In Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah created the first experimental breach in the iron curtain of European hegemony in Africa and the Caribbean.

Both African and Caribbean nations took advantage of the climate of weakness created by the war machine of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party. Flag independence became the flavor of the day as Black people in Africa and the Caribbean composed their own national anthems and occupied the parliament houses created by the Europeans.

The retreat of Europeans on the African continent and in the Caribbean unfortunately was not complete. European relinquished political control but managed to maintain a strangle-hold of the economies of the newly independent nations in Africa and the Caribbean. The demolition of foreign control over the main sources of wealth to be found in Africa and the Caribbean constitutes the unfinished task of the independence movements in both regions.

Maybe it will take the rise of another Hitler in the Caucasian world who will cry havoc and release the dogs of war among the Caucasian tribes of the world. Toussaint Louverture, Frederick Douglas, Malcom X, and Winnie Mandela all understood that there can be no redemption for a people without the shedding of blood.

Wishing and hoping for peace in a world permeated with injustice is nothing more than beating the air and futility of action. Slavery ended in the US after the American Civil War. Independence came to African and Caribbean nations after World War II. People of African ancestry should be praying for another great global conflagration that will serve as a catalyst for the rebirth of a global Black civilization.

Lenrod Nzulu Baraka is the founder of Afro-Caribbean Spiritual Teaching Center and the author of the Rebirth of Black Civilization: Making Africa and the Caribbean Great Again.

Lenrod Nzulu Baraka
Lenrod Nzulu Baraka, © 2025

Lenrod Nzulu Baraka is a graduate of the University of the Southern Caribbean with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion and History. He is the author of several books including Piarco Affair, The Black Paradigm, Echoes of the Ancestors, The Rebirth of Black Civilization, Oreos Coconuts and Negrope. More Lenrod Nzulu Baraka (aka Leonard R. Phillips) is a native of the Caribbean island of Barbados. HIs hobbies include reading, writing, travelling and meeting interesting people. He describes himself as an Afrocentric Freethinker with a Black Christocentric bias. Lenrod has a great sense of humor and enjoys watching and reading anything that is funny. He favorite genres of music include reggae, calypso and easy listening. His favorite Black artistes are Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and the Mighty Sparrow. He is also an eternal fan of Phil Colins. He will read anything by Tom Sharpe, Stephen King or Malachi Martin Column: Lenrod Nzulu Baraka

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