20.07.2022 Feature Article

The Sexual Terms and Legalities Many Cannot Differentiate

The Sexual Terms and Legalities Many Cannot Differentiate
20.07.2022 LISTEN

Sex is a dangerous blessing and a universal test for adults, but teenagers can rush in? How to maximize the blessings and minimize the dangers is not easy, even to many adults. Age of Consent, Age of marriage with parental consent, Age of marriage as Adults, Age of recommendation for sex vs marriage, vs having children can all be very different. We have passed the cultural era and the age of Religion is largely gone, but our secular governments have both cultural and religious influence often times. Science and Nature should largely guide our personal sexual standing and collective leaning. Many Western governments have abandoned Religion, but re-picking up culture in a new shape, and sometimes imposing such revamped cultures on poorer countries, especially Africa. These ages are message bearers, but the politics can be one eye or totally blind.

'Age of Consent' really means age of responsibility, partial or full. Most of Europe had it around thirteen to fifteen. North Carolina and perhaps few states differ from the questionable u.s federal age of consent of eighteen. It does not mean age to have sex, but that you should know better at that age and must take responsibility for your choice. I am of the opinion that children, teenagers, and adults are different and should be treated differently. Accordingly, I will demand responsibility from my thirteen year old nieces or nephews, and will prefer a state that concurs with conscientious parents. Nature, science, and common sense agree that teenagers should learn responsibilities, including sexual responsibilities. Nature is challenging, but it is part of life that should never be dismissed. The 'can' and 'want' through nature does not always mean 'should'. We are obligated to mildly resist nature at times, or we may dangerously fail at times. Those who wrongly want the age of consent to be around eighteen are sending a dangerous message to early and mid teenagers. Science can confirm over 95% of teenagers can understand the dangers of sex, if rightly taught, and this must never be mistaken as science recommends sex for teenagers. To protect the babies from teenagers, we cannot say teenagers are children. They are neither adults, nor children, but closer to adults on sexual matters. Beside protecting babies, the secular laws can try to over protect teenagers, but nature can brutally punish guilty teenagers, even decades after their crimes. Memories are part of life and sometimes people selectively lie about memories, further self hurting. We cannot over punish Teenagers for irresponsible sex, but telling them they are victims or cannot be partial culprits is shameful and dangerous. To me, The just age of consent is thirteen, but fourteen or fifteen is tolerable, especially where the state under educate on sexual affairs.

Age of marriage with parental consent is best from fifteen to nineteen, but thirteen and fourteen can be tolerable. Marriage does not mean sex and certainly not having babies. Your fifteen year old in most secular governments are prone to have sex, so do you want it inside or outside marriage? A marriage from religious perspective can be very simple and religious parents should fight for this right for teenagers. If your fifteen year old daughter is lucky to be in marriage, she can continue schooling and not have babies until twenty or when she wants to. The state can even make it 'ratifiable' marriage at age twenty and easy divorce for teenagers. Remember this marriage can be between teenagers or with an adult, but must get the parental consent of the teenager. Parents can agree to house teenagers, or separately, to help guide them... Parents can consider conditions like temporal womb reversal until age twenty...

Age of marriage without parental consent is best at twenty, but eighteen, nineteen, or twenty one is tolerable . Regardless of what your religion or culture claims, parents should teach well for up to twenty years, but stop ordering even biological offspring at twenty. You can advise at any age, but the state should never allow adults dictate adults, including parents on some issues on even teenagers...

Your parents brought you to this world, but should not give you sex and your may need it. Great parents/society educate and help you find a good partner without imposing. You are doing the parents favor by satisfying the sexual needs and wants of their adult offspring. You can certainly marry any twenty year old or above without the permission of the parent(s). Best to negotiate and get permission for cordial family extension, but do not allow unnecessary barriers.

Age of Recommendation is the most crucial term, and should be based on science, nature, and conscience. Recommended age of sex can be twenty and inside marriage. Since human nature are very different, we cannot punish a teenager who cannot resist sexual urgings. The fact is sex can be good or bad, even for teenagers. Partly because sex is addictive, mysterious, unpredictable on emotional stability, and can dangerously include having a baby, no state or person should take sex lightly. Beside sex, recommended age for marriage can be twenty one, while for having a baby at around twenty eight or more. The actual figures are hard to get, but many teenage marriages went successful, so the unsuccessful ratio must be gauged with unsuccessful adults and studied. Late marriage tends to have different problems, because experience and expectations can clash...

Guardianship: Whereas we recommend responsibility from teenagers, but Guardians at home or school should not be allowed to have sex with teenagers, including adopted children. The reason is simply due to pressure or constant pressure are harder to resist. So we can punish Guardians of teenagers who get sexually involved, but not reward the teenagers who participate where they can record and report.

Special Protection for Teenagers: We should arm teenagers with body cameras and make harassing teenagers double the penalty of that of adults. When a teenager says 'no', respect it above that of adults, or we will fine you double and gave her a chunk of the fine. The good teenagers deserve big timely reward, but never reward bad teenagers. At that age, some claim they love money and cannot resist wealthy adults, but if we reward her+ for timely resistance, then we all win. If the teenager ask you out, record it, and no one should punish you for mutually helping a teenager.

Once s/he is no longer virgin, stop all false protection by a state and start urging for rescue service, s/he needs it. A questionable state make recruiting teenagers easy for pimps? 'Baby, you can make money as teenager and later cry foul?' Then every deceptive smile with the 'R. Kellies' may hunt decades later. The expectations may not be met, and the memories can be brutal. The state may tempt you to further lie and fight in anger, but nature and memories know deceptive teenagers deserve punishment. There is a big difference between ignorant teenager and a deceptive or lying teenager+. Advise your teenagers, especially your daughters to avoid even reckless tempting or attempted mental enslavement. The madonnas or 'material girl' must respect learning and working for material gains. Also teach her love is greater, and God may punish the liars, cruel, and indifferent ones, including teenagers. Seek love, let it conquer your potential fears, greed, and arrogance. May God bless Showlove Trinity: let's learn, let's work, let's have fun.

By Jarga Kebba Gigo.

An Activist and Transformer

Twitter: jarga-k-gigo@jarga-k-gigo

Optional Note: God controls a big chunk of our sexual blessings and/or curse, so let the wise think morality, not just legality. Even Religion tries to punish only part of sexual cruelty on earth; but God cares and can judge sexual lies , sexual ignorance, and the part of sexual cruelty humans cannot judge. The problem is the religious leaders try to go way beyond what humans should judge, and inadvertently create more problems.

Our Generation is lucky to have under utilized cameras, DNA tests, birth control options, and others, but we must honestly tell the people the state still have lot of limitations and humans must take more personal responsibilities on sex. We over glorify sex from music, movies, to TV and even newspapers. Plus social media make sexual temptations unavoidable, so we are better at educating and having fulfilled sexual service to resist the temptations. Conquering sexual fears is becoming easier, but conquering sexual greed and sexual arrogance can be hard to the ungodly. Nature have a soft sexual test even for children, but gradually raise the hardness of the test as you grow. If you closely observe even six year old boys, they tend to have erection of the penis, about every morning. They are young and that erection seems to be for health, not due to sexual thoughts. Then around teenage years, the test or questionable favor is raised to different levels and frequencies of wet dreams. We also have stupid doctors recommending masturbation, but thankful that some doctors are advising against masturbation and pointing to evident scientific observations. Masturbation or sex toy industry is a rising multi billion dollar industry, so they may lobby against facts that may affect their businesses. Growing up these days is hard, sexually, and we should educate, pray, help people access quality sex or they may glorify even pornography as 'blessing'. The states are largely about money, including sexual laws and policies.

Allowing semi pornography of teenagers on the streets, and jailing someone for having a nude picture of a seventeen year old is not protection at all. Teenage user is different from child abuser; so the terms used and charges should differ. Child pornography should be strongly banned and it means under thirteen. Teenage pornography should be smartly banned, but differently; Any thirteen to nineteen year old who willingly have nude pictures or sex tapes should be measurably punished with the producers, not the purchaser or at least not as child pornography. Failing to punish such teenagers is a big part of not just the pornography problem, but tempting weak men against children and tempting weak and greedy teenagers to go underground against society, and fear no reprisal?

If we over focus on the dangers of sex until they discover the blessings, they may never trust us again. We must be truthful to all, especially teenagers. The blessings of sex are real, but hardly exclusive through sex. So we must generally tell teenagers to avoid sex, focus on education. Certain health problems can be solved through sex, from certain types of persistent headaches to muscle problems that hardly affect teenagers. Suppose a teenager is an exception and frequently have such, it will be brutal for society to refuse helping such, sexually. Also sex seems to require regularity for maximum blessings, so starting it with whom you cannot continue with regularly seems unwise. Sexual powers can knock off even adults, so we must caution teenagers from themselves and from hurting babies. The sexual lies are sins between creatures, and God hates lying to protect any on some sins. Children should be punished over any sexual act, even stupidity. Teenagers should be mildly punished on sexual cruelty, including simple assault. We must educate teenagers lot more about sex and that God and nature will hold them to account, even where state laws or cultures call them 'victims', where they may be partial or total culprits. Gambling babies cannot be lighten. None of us prefer a child or teenager as mother or parent. Marriage is not everything, but I rather be born in marriage, so why not do as or better than your parents? I will never oppose teenage marriage, especially where teenage sex is legal and/or probable. Partnership courses can help, it is not just strong emotions some called love. Many lie to their spouse or even lie with them, so I know lot better than over adoring marriage. However, if kids are to be made, marrying is good and the contracts be above state norms in details. Marriage is a contract that must know reciprocal law from the contract and what it may miss. The ex factor experience do contribute to many divorces, so having least ex lovers may help. Where as some learn from experiences to further help, some leave with anger and may commit avenge as revenge. The good things you had with your ex may require teaching and patience on your present or next. We tend to want a kind partner, but a truthful partner is vital and may be the most sincerely kind one.

The Koran wants us to punish only arrogant adultery+ for a reason and we must avoid obsession with punishment beyond sex. It tells us let the male fornicator marry the female fornicator, but should that be forced or optional to avert human punishment? It says the adulterous should marry, and recommend hard punishment on the shameless adulterers? Demanding four witnesses is a sign, it means enough evidence, squarely, no room for doubt before we punish. Rape and adultery are different, but they are all sexual signs... Spousal adulterous testimony needs imprecatory vows before we even ask the accused to vow similarly, or defer to God. Well, God may judge even here on earth, wait decades, or much more. Many ignore Koranic signs and rush to questionable hadiths and so called human intelligence. A conscientious person or society should never be obsessed with punishment, but strong in educating and punishing evident sins between creatures, not far fetched cowardly possibilities. We should not over protect women or teenagers, especially against babies and children.

Where as most human beings avoid rape compare to animals, we have no idea how we fare on lying for sex and about sex, many may be worse than average animals. Sexual stupidity is a male problem than female. Males also tend to lie for sex, while females often lie about sex. The secular western world is sexually confused beyond LGBTQ. When a married partner can legally deny you sex for one year and legally have adultery, then such marriage becomes a super dangerous joke. You need a reason to get into marriage, but once in you have sexual obligations to each other, or divorce physically within three months after emotional divorce. The state starts as nice witness, but how the state becomes unnecessary delayer, a judge or biased judge? Divorce do not have to be bitter like the hard winters of the west, or did the winters changed them so?

How forgiving is God on sex? He made us sexual and through sex, so if we avoid sexual lying and cruelty, may He forgive the rest. How are you to your partner, your children, others' children, etc are largely choices between creatures and a just God cannot do much forgiving on such. He may inspire, but still probably justly. No matter how much you need or seemingly need sex, it is not worth lying or cruelty. Once you find a good partner, try to keep each other as if you are competing before a just God. Sex may be one big thing, but God judges other choices, so pass the subject and try on others even more. May God legalize marijuana worldwide and end all sexual bias against men and babies...
