
5 Ways To Ensure Your Safety As An ATM User

Feature Article 5 Ways To Ensure Your Safety As An ATM User
SEP 8, 2017 LISTEN

I have heard so many stories about people being robbed at the ATM stand. Usually I blame the victims for their negligence and their inability to pay attention to details. I think I may have been too hard on them considering the fact that not everyone is equipped with the knowledge of safety precautions at the automated teller machine. The fact is most people are too busy with cashing their money than thinking about their safety, forgetting that much as the ATM provides convenience, it also put us in a comprised position. If you’ve ever been an ATM user, I would advise you above the “rules” to ensure your safety while using the ATM.

Pay attention to your surroundings.
You just don’t have to go to any place because there is an ATM and you urgently need some cash to pay your bills or do some shopping. It is always good for your safety to pay attention to the environment in which you find the ATM. Avoid Using ATM’s in nooks or corners of buildings, places that are usually dark and quiet are perfect places to fall prey to robbery. Make sure to use an ATM that is found at the center of a building with considerable amount of light and open to the public.

What you wear to the ATM.
What has what I wear got to do with my safety at the ATM? Oh yes! It does a lot dude! You give every indication to your assailant that you are loaded when you wear expensive clothing, jewelry and other accessories to the ATM. Try to avoid this, This is not to say you should look ragged in your outlook but make sure you do not show your wealth status in your appearance.

Maintain Awareness.
Once you get to the ATM, keep a close eye to your surroundings, be careful of cars that are parked nearby, they are likely indications that you are being stalked. Never accept assistance from people who try to be Good Samaritans at the ATM. If you encounter any difficulties, you should consult your bank. After your transaction at the ATM, look around to see if no one is following you. If by any chance you are being followed, walk to a crowded place or drive to the nearest police station.

Avoid unfamiliar ATM’s
I would advise you avoid using ATM’s that are unfamiliar especially when the options offered are not quite similar to the most ATM’S you use. Always make sure you are familiar and comfortable with the kind of ATM you use to ensure the safety of your money.

Counting Money at ATM.
Really? Yes, this is a bad practice and can invite trouble to yourself. Don’t make yourself bait to robbery by counting your money in front of the ATM, You can do that in your car or find a safer place to do that.

Prepare Your Transaction.
The more time you spend at the ATM, the more option you give to you assailant. Make sure you do all that it is to be done before you get to the ATM. This will prevent spending a lot of time at the ATM.
