Fri, 03 Aug 2012 Feature Article

Late President Mills’ Death-Resurrection Mystery Demystified…

Late President Mills’ Death-Resurrection Mystery Demystified…

In the vision of the night, Yahweh had today explained to His servant, Segbene Xenodzi, the reason why He gave a directive for President Mills' resurrection last Saturday, 28th July, 2012.

Yahweh schooled Segbene saying, when a man dies his spirit immediately passes through the sea and reaches the heart of the Earth (World of the Dead) and the life giving Breathe of Man returns to Him, Yahweh. Whiles in the heart of the Earth, the spirit of man goes through initiation stages for seven(7) days.

Yahweh again explained that the spirit first goes through five (5) days of questioning and is Judged Sixth day. There are however, two unseen worlds in the heart of the earth. After man had gone through the five(5) days of questioning and is judged on the Sixth day, then on the Seventh(7) day he is sent to one of the two unseen world in the heart of the earth depending on the result of the Judgment.

He further explained that it is only permitted according to the rules of heaven for the SPIRIT of man to return to earth during the first five days after death or arrival into the world of the dead. When Judgment is passed on the 6th day man can never return to earth in other words be resurrected.

Yahweh explained further that, Last Saturday 28thJuly,2012 was a deadline for Late President Mills' resurrection. He says he had given the resurrection vision to other people in Ghana but many did not understand the vision nor perceive His instruction, that's why on the fifth day of Late President Mills' demise, Saturday, 28th July, 2012, Yahweh instructed me, Segbene, and I quickly understood the instruction of Yahweh and acted accordingly by faith but unfortunately I had no access to the corpse of the Late President to undertake the resurrection process. It would have been a reality!

Late president Mills was Judged in the heart of the Earth(unseen world of the dead) on the Sunday, 29th of July, 2012 and is now in one of the two unseen worlds in the heart of the earth among the eternal ruins of the underworld.

It is important for us to know that we will all one day die and go to the heart of the earth where we will be judged on the sixth days after our death and find ourselves in one of the two unseen worlds among the eternal ruins. Hence I admonish all to be careful and lead righteous lives here on earth so as to receive a positive judgment when we die.

I hereby send my warm regards to all and sundry for praying their own way with me, Segbene, in an attempt to bring His Excellency John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills , Ghana's Late President back to life, especially, the various Radio Stations across the country and Newspapers who tried all you could granting unending interviews because of their love for the late President. It was indeed a great show of love to him. May Yahweh bless and protect you all wherever you are across the entire world.

Oh! What a great resurrection opportunity the world had missed on Saturday, 28th July, 2012 before sun down.

Finally, I express my deepest condolence to the family of the Late President John Evans Fiifi Atta and all.

“And Yahweh said, Hear now my words; if there be a prophet among you, I Yahweh will make myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream.” AMEN.

Segbene Xenodzi, Servant of Yahweh.

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