
John Dramani Mahama Chapter Two Expectations Of The New Regime

By Kudus Research and Advocacy Center
Press Statement John Dramani Mahama Chapter Two Expectations Of The New Regime
WED, 22 JAN 2025

Kudus Research and Advocacy Center will like to look into the prospers of Ghana after the 2024 general elections what the new regime is expected to bring onboard to uplift the country from its current woes in Economy Healthcare Education among others, also alleviate the Ghanaian from wallowing from adverse poverty to end hunger, we weigh into President John Dramani Mahama second coming or what we describe as John Dramani Mahama 2.0 or Chapter two.

Ghana a country located in West Africa first country to gain independent in Sub Sahara Africa on March 6, 19857, since then the democratic practice of Ghana have seen many revolution and transformation achieving its Republic status on July 1,1966 experience fluctuation of military coups leadership to democratically elected leadership until 1992 when its fourth Republic was born since then it has a very stable democracy not only in West Africa but the entire Africa, always seen as the hope beacon of democracy of Africa, the stakes in this election would have been ordinary very high as many were watching from the outside of the Ghanaian borders to see how it would again exhibits its democratic maturity

Ghana held its general election on December 7, 2024 a day of reconning for the Ghanian politicians and people which they made their voices and choice very clear through with their thumbs through the ballot box, choosing both the president and parliamentarians who would be mandated to stir the affairs of the country in the executive arm of government and the legislative arm respectively for the next four years until 2028, a call that was made rightful

The 2024 general elections of Ghana was one of its kind that has never happened since the birth of the fourth constitutional republic of Ghana in 1992 and we can even say since Ghana attained independence, not only that it saw first time the two main political party candidates from the Northern part of Ghana as Kurac described it as the “Northern Derby” but it also saw first ever two non-consecutive democratically elected president that’s is John Dramani who won the 2012 elections becoming the fourth president of the fourth republic and eight years later won the 2024 elections becoming the sixth president of the fourth republic a fit no president ever achieved in the history of Ghana, another historical fact is that of first ever female vice president Professor Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman, it also saw the National Democratic Congress not only winning the presidency with resounding victory but also an overwarming majority of parliamentary seats given John D. Mahama a complete control of government in terms of passing of his policies and programs through the legislative arm of government unless the immediate pass regime who had only control of the executive but lacks outright control of the legislature, for our interest was not on the results obtained but the aftermath what is expected of the new regime and administration

We would like to use this opportunity to official congratulate you John Dramani Mahama the fourth and sixth president of Ghana, the National Democratic Congress NDC for winning the presidential elections, Mahamudu Bawumia the New Patriotic Party NPP for showing maturity statehood by making early concision that averted many troubles and die down tensions that could have escalate to violence and mud the beauty of our unflinching democracy envious by others, all parliamentarians who won their seats, participating parties and its candidates’ independent candidates, importantly the Electoral Commission of Ghana such a character exhibited prior during and aftermath of the elections, both international and domestic observers the security personnel did their best by making sure peace was maintain all through this peak political season till the elections was held, the media the channel of which information was disseminated had it right but little challenges that needs to be worked on regarding election coverage and reportage but all in all they did a fantastic and marvelous job.

Who wins the presidency and majority of parliament was not our interest as an organization our focus was the aftermath of the election what would be the prospers of the country as in handling of the affairs of the country, for we heard varying campaign messages and promises in the various sectors of the economy raging from job creation Education Health Agriculture Banking and Finance trade among others, now that hypothetical situation are over let’s look into reality and actualities of what the new regime hypothesis could be actualized

Kudus Research And Advocacy Center will like to weigh in what the new administration is bringing onboard either new or also will play to the old same gallery of repeated cycle of failed and deviated manifesto or campaign promises, one thing the Ghanaian politicians always fail to understand is that their campaign message or manifesto is a social contract between them and the Ghanaian voters or people for many voted for them based on what they promised to do, what they have promised and fulfilled previously and other historical factors based on promises either captured on their official manifesto document or was done verbally, you are certainly bound to be judge by your word.

The three arms of government that’s the presidency or executive parliamentary or legislature and the Judiciary needs to strengthen its check and balances, also policy thinktanks NGO like Kudus Research and Advocacy Center others and the international organizations who are major stakeholders should team up in making sure that the right things are done, of course that can surely happen only when the new regime creates the enabling environment also getting them involved and engaged them in various forms of activities to enable them be able to propel their regime actives, when these are done we assure it would be a big game changer for the new regime.

John Dramani Mahama 2.0 Kudus Research and Advocacy Center noted in previous regimes, we saw repeated policies and programs in their budget and policy documents of which every year funds and other resources are allocated to them without it being executed or implemented in their policy and budget documents, of which we expect the new regime to work intensely on for a competitive world needs more productive and efficient administration programs and policy guide

Mr. President Ghana and the entire world watching you and your party as you move into the Jubilee house the seat of governments, the parliamentarians and all your appointees in waiting, as you usher your regime and Ghana to a new era, we us as an organization expects John Mahama Chapter Two or John Mahama second Coming to do many different dealings by way of better and advance policy and programs of which it would be more different from doings and dealings from previous regimes.

John Mahama 2.0 is expected to look into how would all campaign messages promises made be implemented its viability resources and funding regarding its implementations should be thoughts bordering the Ghanaian whether you voted for the party who won or not hence the need the new administration look into all possibility within its power to make sure that promises made are kept

John Mahama 2.0 should be interested into issues relating to: Prior to the elections voters’ topmost priorities as it was economy healthcare and education as many Ghanaians complained of hush economic conditions depleting currency to its major trading partners like the US dollar UK Pounds Euros among others, high employment rates, infrastructure challenges and poor conditions in the health and education centers among many how it can be handled not just handling it but to the best of expectations of the Ghanaian people, sustainability and redefining of the flagship free Senior High School policy to complement other educational policies and programs promised during the campaign and rally period, how his flagship 24 hour economy will help revamped the Ghanaian economy and expand it is key expectation of Mahama 2.0 b the Ghanaian voters

John Mahama 2.0 is expected to look into appointments of officials we have no dough appointment of officials should be based on the appointing authority loyalist trustworthy financiers family and friends pool to pick but past experience by previous regimes suggest most are times the president who is the ultimate appointing authority per the constitution of Ghana abuses those privileges granted as many are times officials over appointed by repetition and separation of same ministry into two or more just to see his family friends being filled to top government positions hence expectations are that these ministries are redefined to reduced repetition of roles, also competency another major issues that always bedeviled appointing authorities choice of chosen his officials as many are times many are appointed to positions that they lack expertise despite they are technocrats in those sectors that will advised him but the ultimate decision lies on them and many are times due to lack of expertise makes wrong decision which affects many dealings especially prompt decision to be made in international front that official cannot immediately solicit advise back home what happens we asked, hence the need appointing authorities should look into factoring competency in their appointments but should be within his appointing pool of choice we advised before competent but not allied or trustworthy people given opportunity to abuse the situation which can hinder Mahama administrations progress. Important expectations is that of the number of ministerial portfolios and appointments that’s to be created by Mahama 2.0 and how it will bring more efficiency to his governments is one of our topmost expectation from Mahama chapter Two. But it must be noted that so far his appointments of about 42 ministers have only seven Female and gender and women groups have begun complaining that’s good but the First Female Vice President already in place have cover such claims but that doesn’t mean that his campaign promise of female inclusion should not be met

John Mahama 2.0 is expected to look into Implementations of policies and programs another factor we looked into as many regimes pasted saw its policies and programs implemented but wrongly due to how it was done lack of proper planning and expertise advise, many campaign promise very good catchy and promising to resolve a certain problem of concern but how it’s usually implemented calls for worry, for its implementations will be needing technocrats and other expertise to handle it not left in the hands of the politicians we lack expertise in these areas, but rather it will be given to party faithful we lacks the expertise to handle it as previous regimes dealings suggest, procurement process and award of contracts in Ghana not the best needs to be look into with critical lens, despite after winning power now time to award party faithful friends family donors among others its incumbent upon the new administration make sure fair equity distribution of the state resources are made to the Ghanaian people that’s the expectations from them.

John Mahama 2.0 is expected to look into Public accountability and corruption we saw pass regimes appointed officials engaged in misappropriation of public funds and engaged in corrupt practices how can these be checked we have to strengthen our institutions resources and equip them to be able to handle corruption and its related matters, public accounting must be the order of the day as the little resources allocated for officials use must be checked to see its indeed use for its intended purpose, make sure that those engaged in corruption and misappropriations dealt with according for we cannot allow our limited resources being misuse and end up in the hands of corrupt officials to the determent of the Ghanaian people, a good start in fighting corruption by Mahama 2. 0 as upon election results declared without being sworn in initiated Operation Recover All Loot – ORAL a move in the right directions and its quest to fight corruption but its sustainability and viability after fighting so to speak previous regime officials would they continue the same tangent if officials within their regime fall in similar faith we quizzed

John Mahama 2.0 is expected to look into: Revenue generations mechanism how do we us a country generate revenue for the country through taxation investments productivity, past regimes suggest our country Ghana have poor revenue generation mechanism despite it has been improving gradually but we needs to up our game for that’s the only sources of funds that will enable the smooth running of the country, due to poor revenue generation mechanism saw Ghana always running a deficit budget soliciting supplementary loans aids to help manage its annual budgets, that has being the norm for the pass regimes and we expect this regime to act differently despite current conditions of IMF of which Ghana have a loan agreement with we must relook into it and make sure that we make amends in making sure that the needed resources are generated within the country Ghana have abandon of untaped resources and we need to look into these untaped areas to explore expand our tax net and also not over tax the Ghanaian people we expect this regime to engage into productivities and government investments in making sure they get the needed revenue to support its budget and policy resources needs, minimize over relying on foreign aids donations loans and grants and engaged more with trade with others that would help our situation rather than relying on grants loans and aids that now our days not even forthcoming, private public partnership should be the order of the new administrations that’s the expectations from Kurac and the Ghanaian people from Mahama 2.0

John Dramani Mahama 2.0 is expected to look into the agriculture sector as many Ghanaians main occupation is farming who are mostly substantial farmers commercialization of farming activities should be the order of the day for the new regime, by making sure inputs commercial and modern farming tools and practices are made readily available at the right time at the right place and to the right people the farmers not politicians and party supporters who are not farmers and when government programs and initiates that are intended to propel agriculture growth rather end up in party faithful hands, extension officials regular visits to farmers to educate more resources dedicated to Agriculture related officers and officials, government revamped the state farming program which intends to feed the nation, generally expectations on Agriculture are that modernization and commercialization using advanced and modern technology Artificial Intelligent aided tools, invest heavily on agriculture research sectors that will aid farmers inputs seeds viability, irrigations system by making sure One village One Dam Pwalugu Multi-purpose dam and other irrigation sites look into intensely

John Dramani Mahama 2.0 is expected to uplift Ghana’s reputations in the international front by appointing competent respective knowledgeable people to serve as High commissioners’ ambassadors to represent Ghana in the various diplomatic missions in various countries regional and global blocs who would be tasked to make sure Ghana is represented well especially attracting foreign investments to Ghana and making Ghana more attractive for visit be it trade investments or tourism, diplomacy with other countries enhanced , geo global politics refrained and stay neutral even when forced to take side be cautious to be with the side that Ghana have long standing its values and principles in terms of democratic practices and constitutional rule are in line

John Dramani Mahama 2.0 is expected to look into Sports and creative arts industrial as Ghana our passion is sports for that matter football of which the country find itself and its football fraternity losing faith in the Ghana National football teams and leagues how would he bring back the lost love and glory days of the football fraternity and sports in general in Ghana, important question in the minds of the football fraternity would John Mahama 2.0 end the nations over 40 years trophy drought, the creative arts industries more should be done to revamp the creative sectors with policies and programs to that effects, Infrastructure developments needed rehabilitant aging sports facilities build new ones upgrader it to modern standard of international blocs like CAF and FIFA standards, domestic be rebranded and marketed to attract both domestic and international viewership like ones that of the creative arts industries

These and many more others are those that we expect John Dramani Mahama 2.0 to look into for governance a continues process hence flagship policies programs uncomplemented infrastructure developmental projects programs that either fit or not fit into his campaign message made to the Ghanaian people should be look into in making sure repeated abandoned projects and programs by new regimes to that of its previous regimes hence the need such look into

In conclusion Kudus Research And Advocacy Center expects the new regime that’s John Mahama 2.0 or John Mahama chapter Two or John Mahama second coming to be more productive efficient appointments should be based on merit and competency within his appointing pool, provide the needed the infrastructures and other needed resources in the various sectors of the economy including Healthcare education among others, proper check and balances must be done within the three arms of government for proper running of the affairs of the country to avoid abuse of power, implementations of policy and programs should be done in a more professional manner to yield the needed dividend or results, more proactive productive up to date policy and budget document not repeated allocated resources for one policy and program for many years, finally fighting corruption and public accountability in making sure the limited or scares resources at our disposal managed to its best of ability, Importantly the social contract agreed by between you Mr. President John Mahama and the Ghanaian people should be your policy and program guide for that matter your Bible or Quaran in handing of major affairs of the country hence the need to abide by it that’s your Manifesto or campaign promises made prior to the election.

At the end of your four years Mr. President John Mahama your stewardship would be accounted based on promises made and kept hence the need your official campaign or manifesto document abide by but doesn’t mean it should not be subjected to changes when realized a policy or program not viable it was made out of desperations acknowledge and make changes fast for the betterment of the Country after all Ghana first, beyond these expectations as an organization we wish you nothing but success in your administration as you took charge of the affairs of the country for the next four years, challenges and troubles might emanant on your way, thought hurdles for you to pass we advise remain focus vigilant and with God protection and guidance you shall lead Ghana to its rightful destination, John Mahama 2.0 KURAC in full support of your administration and will be doing our part in making sure it succeed as an organization for your second coming success is success for Ghana not only your administration or regime

Long live Ghana!!!
Long live Democracy!!!
God Bless your regime!!!
Sign By:
Yussif Abdul Kudus
Founder & Executive Director
Kudus Research and Advocacy Center
All Media Outlets

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