
Ukraine Reports Capture Of North Korean Soldiers

Feature Article Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi
SUN, 12 JAN 2025
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi

According to statements by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, the press is also to be given access to the prisoners.

Russia is said to have been sent 12,000 soldiers from its ally North Korea to fight in its war against Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian president, two of them are said to be prisoners of war. They are now being interrogated by the secret service in Kiev.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, two North Korean soldiers have been taken prisoner of war in the Russian region of Kursk. Selensky announced this on social networks. The men had survived despite their injuries and had been taken to Kiev, where the Ukrainian secret service was interrogating them. Zelensky announced that the press would also be given access to the prisoners. “The world must know the truth about what is happening.”

It was not Zelenskyi's first report about captured North Koreans. However, according to him, these men had died from their injuries. According to estimates, the isolated communist North Korea has sent 12,000 soldiers to Russia.

Moscow is using North Koreans to reinforce its units in the counterattack in the Kursk region, among other things, in order to drive Ukrainian troops out of Russia. According to estimates by both Ukraine and the USA, the North Koreans are suffering heavy losses there.

Selenskyj attached photos to his posts that allegedly show the prisoners. His claims could not be verified. It is difficult to capture North Korean soldiers alive, he wrote. The Russian and North Korean military would rather kill injured North Koreans than take them prisoner of war, the head of state claimed.

According to international humanitarian law, prisoners of war may not be put on public display. According to the Red Cross, reports about prisoners of war are not prohibited, but it should be avoided that they can be identified

Francis Tawiah (Duisburg-Germany)

Francis Tawiah (Duisburg, Germany)
Francis Tawiah (Duisburg, Germany), © 2025

This Author has 750 publications here on modernghana.comColumn: Francis Tawiah (Duisburg, Germany)

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