Sun, 17 Nov 2024 Feature Article

Stay Home And Build Africa

Stay Home And Build Africa

Right now, in Europe, America and Asia; campaign against immigration has become the most probable or the surest way to win any election from local to national Houses. Even those who are first generation children of immigrants reject migrants from their parents’ countries. When Sunak became the Prime Minister of Britain, his Home Secretary Suella Braverman, both of Indian descent, rejected Asian migrants. They made plans to deport them to Rwanda.

Toni Iwobi, originally from Nigeria, says his election for the League in Italy shows the far right party has no problem with ‘legal migration”. One Nigerian-born Canadian Kelechi Madu alias Kaycee Madu became the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General of Alberta, one of the provinces in Canada. Another British politician Kemi Badenock, the new Conservative British Leader was vilified for her slur against Nigerian immigrants as a descendant.

Italy's extreme Right party was able to recruit this Nigerian to implement their anti-migrant policy as the Conservative Party Attorney General in the Province of Alberta, Canada. It might remind some of you how anyone against Busing in the 70s was easily elected into office until Democrats got smarter. Willie Brown, the Speaker of the House in California was among the first that dumped support for Busing.

Indeed, those Asian and African politicians embraced the most anti-immigrants candidates in the European and American elections. Yet, Africans and Asians are still clamoring for their Promised Land in Europe and America. Their fellow Asians and Africans think they are crabs preventing other crabs from climbing out of the barrel. Just as the politicians think they are suffering from Stockholm syndrome against self-interest.

Some unscrupulous African businessmen are now promising and selling visas, school acceptance letters and migrants visas to desperate Youths yearning to go abroad by any means. Over 10,000 foreign students' acceptance letters may be fake according to a Canada immigration officer. One Nigerian lady was so disappointed, she wanted her fortune spent on an American visa back after she was rejected.

Visas process fees have become money making endeavors for European and North American countries. These are rich countries sucking on poor countries as usual. The UK Home Office has announced an increase in the monthly proof-of-funds requirement for student visa applicants, raising the amount to £1,483 (approximately N3 million) starting January 2, 2025. The universities want more foreign students they make money out of.

Glorifying foreign employees for working outside Africa after their graduation instead of returning home, is the same type of colo-mentality towards ready-made goods and services from abroad. Too many of us have been celebrating foreign-trained or employed people for too long. So much so, some of the pioneering universities across Africa are now losing ground to universities established abroad after them.

Africans have crossed other African countries on their final destination to Europe. When they get stuck in counties poorer than theirs, around the Sahara desert, they are deported back home. The first reaction in their own countries is: what the hell they were doing in countries far poorer than theirs in their quest for greener pastures. Those poorer countries around the desert were never destinations. Circumstances beyond their control blew them there like a strong wind.

West Africans have found themselves in this situation begging their home countries to rescue them from slavery, prostitution and organ butchers. Many of these desperate fortune seekers or reverse adventurers into the wild realize that they were better off at home than the people that enslave them “abroad”. Unfortunately, they have sold their property to buy visas and passports. Indeed, foreign visas are so hot without guarantees or cashback, rich countries make fortunes.

Yes, it sounds like slavery again but this time, Africans are the ones selling themselves abroad with their life savings or borrowed money. While Africans and people of goodwill fought against old slavery, these glorified slaves know what they are getting into because there are many stories warning them to stay home and build Africa. Believe it or not, after begging their countries to rescue them, some of these rescued gullible Africans try again!

African universities must be well equipped and university professors paid relatively well by African standards. But African teachers cannot compare their salaries to teachers in a different economy abroad. Many well respected African professors in different fields including political economy, law and medicine came back home knowing full well they were going to get a drastic reduction in pay. This was how Africa made more progress immediately after Independence.

Now, we are regressing again. The pride of contributing and giving back were burning in the days of Marcus Garvey Back To Africa. While it is true that the children of Freedom Fighter have rejected the sacrifice of their parents to return home but emulate the exploitation of their people like the colonialists that enslaved them. We cannot forget the difference between modern glorification of slavery and the sacrifice of the Freedom Fighters.

There is this weird feeling in Africa about those who worked against all odds that they would never struggle against at home and succeed abroad. They claimed they have no such opportunity at home when in fact, they had more but would never work for it as they do abroad. They want to be spoon fed at home. But would never be as hardworking and trusted with any allocation at home. They know the consequences of abuse of position abroad.

Indeed, African successful men and women fear being caught in any blemish abroad except diehard career criminals. They are the ones that gain notoriety and give their countries bad names. Those ones are so well known, foreign criminal investigators can point to their country and ethnicity. Yet, there are more honest and hardworking Africans at home, unappreciated.

Farouk Martins Aresa @oomoaresa1

Farouk Martins Aresa
Farouk Martins Aresa, © 2024

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