Release › Press Release     ›   06 Jul 2019

Government Must Pay Contractors To Facilitate The Continuation And Completion Of Our Roads

It is an undeniable fact that governance is a continuous process. This means that what the previous party in government wasn’t able to complete, the new party has the utmost responsibility of completing. This has been the practice all over the world. Quite unfortunately, this hasn’t been the case in most African countries of which Ghana is a party to. This situation however, is largely dependent on individuals who form government. In 2008, the administration of the late Professor John Evans Atta Mills, decided to continue and complete most of the projects of the previous administration i.e the John Kuffour administration. Most typical are the infamous gang of four roads, the Sofo line Interchange and the George Bush Highway also known as the N1. These roads were commenced by the erstwhile Kuffour administration but because we have one government which is Government of Ghana, there was the need to CONTINUE which indeed the late Professor continued and completed.

Aside from the fact that government resources won’t go waste, the completion of said roads will facilitate development both in the country and that of the citizenry. On this score, we as a party wish to tell the Akufo Addo led administration to pay contractors so they can continue and complete the road projects which were began by the Mahama led administration most especially that of the Western North Region. In the Western North Region, a lot of road projects were ongoing under the cocoa road projects where about Ghc750m were earmarked for it construction. Roads such as Ajuofua – Osei Kojokrom was awarded on contract, Juaboso – Bodi was also awarded, Benchema – Esam was ongoing but has been terminated by the Akufo Addo led administration, Anyinabrim – Sui – Bodi which also has been terminated by same Akufo Addo led administration and the likes. All these roads were to ease the stress and hustle commuters go through.These roads upon completion would have brought much relieve to the people as well as aiding in the development needed by the people. Quite unfortunately, the Akufo Addo led administration under the guise of inflated contract, has terminated all these contracts. Even though the 2019 budget suggested massive infrastructural projects to be done, the Akufo Addo led administration has little to show in terms of commitment. The Akufo Addo led administration must cut the deceit and rhetorics then pay these owed contractors. These roads upon completion will help even the state much more since most of the imported cocoa and timber are from the Western North Region.

It is evident that on 4 th July, 2019, aggrieved contractors picketed at the Ministry of Roads and Highways in demand of arrears owed them by government. This was widely telecast on most of the National Television including CitiTv. The Minister per available information took to his heels upon hearing the coming of these contractors. As intimated earlier, we want the Akufo Addo led administration to as a matter of urgency pay these contractors so they can move to site. Western North indeed deserves better and we must get it. We are in solidarity with these contractors and are assuring them that we shall champion their course which ultimately will be in the national interest. When contractors are paid, we are sure of our roads been fixed.

Long live Western North Region!
Long live Ghana!

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