World › Europe     ›   02 Apr 2019

Theresa May Summons Cabinet Following Brexit Deadlock In Parliament

REUTERS/Hannah McKay

British Prime Minister Theresa May's divided cabinet is headed for a showdown Tuesday, after lawmakers again failed to find majority support for a way forward for Brexit.

Cabinet members will lock heads for five hours of talks to decide what the next step should be – with just 10 days to go before the UK risks crashing out of the EU without a deal.

The failure of the four so-called indicative votes, which aimed to find an alternative to May's own defeated Brexit plan, has let to renewed talk of general elections.

EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said a no-deal Brexit was becoming “day after day more likely”.

The motion that came closest to reaching a majority involved keeping Britain in a permanent customs union with the EU. It lost by just three votes.

Conservative MP Nick Boles immediately quit his party after failing to persuade his colleagues to support his “common market 2.0” plan, which would have seen the UK join the European Free Trade Association and European Economic Area.

Following Monday night's deadlock in parliament, May could decide to put her own Brexit plan, which has been rejected three times, before the House of Commons for a fourth time.

Cabinet ministers had been instructed to abstain from Monday's voting process.

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