Others › Poem     ›   07 Mar 2019

The Evil Pursuit For Wealth', The Youth Escapade.

I have seen kids grow…

I have seen many valor men of old..

I have also seen many enjoy life..

A lot suffers for just a bite..

In all God has been their supreme might..

Distressing situations have truncated many lives..

Remember you crawled whilst many walked..

Remember you walked but saw how relishing it is to run..

Indeed there have been a lot of savages but life has always been full of savory..

Your Dad had a dream but couldn't live to see..

Dreams passed on, can you live to heed?

You think you are wise
How nauseating foolish you seem..

You feel you are thinking but how thoughtless you are..

You boast of being able to pick pricks
How blind you are..

I have observe seedlings grow with sumptuous beauty but most die from our assumptions deity

Most are used as a bait
A lot die from their postponed date

Money is a good master
Naivety makes it a bad servant

If you think wisdom is from making money where are the traits of
Mansah Musah?

How rich do you think you are?

How powerful makes your money?

Solomon postulates vanity in wisdom that gained him his entitlements..

Wisdom underscores Solomon possessing gold without being a digging miner

Don't boast from being a chief robber..

A day cometh when death knocks uninvited..

A day cometh when your worthy cloth tatters..

Don't blame me..
I was rendered useless from your council..

I was made fool from your court..

Nobody was I to the friends in your cult..

How do I be blamed from your faults..

A poor man has no sense as ascribed in your gloating books..

What is meat to a toothless wretched sadhu?

I couldn't have dined with your beautiful but dream shatters of Jezebel..

I salivate with their teasing spells and succulent boob's that could uproot the upright locks..

Your rod of destruction may take you to your early grave..

I'm not reigning curses but just blunt and brave..

Your ejaculation is your satisfaction but how sweet it is to workout your passion..

Remember the blossoming flowers of river Nile?

Some die from the flood
Others glow with agility..

Many are withered by their notoriety..

You will always gain my sympathy
Co's I have seen many grow but fall off their trityl..

I have seen many slowed but in between, we must always focus on the goal.

@Robert Dambo

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